Changes to Genetic Programing Bibliography since 2024/09/12

New and modified entries


  1. ain:2024:CEC Exploring Genetic Programming Models in Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Skin Cancer Images QurratUlAin.html HarithAl-Sahaf.html BingXue.html MengjieZhang.html
  2. aragon-jurado:2024:CEC Two-Level Software Obfuscation with Cooperative Co-Evolutionary Algorithms JoseMiguelAragon-Jurado.html JavierJarenoDorado.html JuanCarlosdelaTorreMacias.html GraciaPatriciaRuizVillalobos.html BernabeDorronsoro.html
  3. Segota-Sandi:2023:Industry4.0 Determining normalized friction torque of an industrial robotic manipulator using the symbolic regression method SandiBaressiSegota.html MrzljakVedran.html Prpic-OrsicJasna.html ZlatanCar.html
  4. batista:2024:CEC M6GP: Multiobjective Feature Engineering JoaoEduardoBatista.html NunoMiguelRodriguesDomingos.html LeonardoVanneschi.html SaraSilva.html
  5. batista:2024:CEC2 Measuring Structural Complexity of GP Models for Feature Engineering over the Generations JoaoEduardoBatista.html AdamKotaroPindur.html HitoshiIba.html SaraSilva.html
  6. bermejo:2024:CEC Age-at-Death Estimation based on Symbolic Regression Ensemble Learning from Multiple Annotations EnriqueBermejo.html OscarCordon.html JavierIrurita.html InmaculadaAleman.html AngelRubioSalvador.html
  7. borrett:2024:CEC The Virtual Programmable Logic Device, a Novel Machine Learning Architecture FraserBorrett.html MarkBeckerleg.html
  8. borrett:2024:CEC2 A Comparison of a Digital and Floating-Point Virtual Programmable Logic Device and an Artifical Neural Network Evolved for Robotic Navigation FraserBorrett.html MarkBeckerleg.html
  9. buchanan:2024:CEC A Quality Diversity Study in EvoDevo Processes for Engineering Design EdgarBuchanan.html SimonJohnHickinbotham.html RahulDubey.html ImeldaFriel.html AndrewColligan.html MarkPrice.html AndrewMTyrrell.html
  10. car:2021:SSM Determining inverse kinematics of a serial robotic manipulator through the use of genetic programming algorithm ZlatanCar.html SandiBaressiSegota.html NikolaAndelic.html IvanLorencin.html JelenaMusulin.html DanielStifanic.html VedranMrzljak.html
  11. chen:2024:CEC2 Generate a Single Heuristic for Multiple Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Tasks by Genetic Programming JiayinChen.html Ya-HuiJia.html YingBi.html Wei-NengChen.html
  12. chen:2024:CEC A Hierarchical Cooperative Genetic Programming for Complex Piecewise Symbolic Regression XinanChen.html WenjieYi.html RuibinBai.html RongQu.html YaochuJin.html
  13. chiang:2024:CEC A Novel Symbolic Regressor Enhancer Using Genetic Programming Tu-ChinChiang.html Chi-HsienChang.html Tian-LiYu.html
  14. da-silva:2024:CEC Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks from Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Experimental Data using Cartesian Genetic Programming JoseEduardoHenriquesdaSilva.html HederSoaresBernardino.html ItamarLeitedeOliveira.html JoseJCamata.html PatrickdeCarvalho.html
  15. dey:2024:CEC MiRNN: A Mutual Information Augmented Recurrent Neural Network Framework for Reconstruction of Gene Regulatory Networks PriankaDey.html AbhinandanKhan.html GoutamSaha.html RajatKumarPal.html
  16. dubey:2024:CEC Evolving Design For Engineering Structures RahulDubey.html SimonJohnHickinbotham.html EdgarBuchanan.html AndrewColligan.html ImeldaBriel.html MarkPrice.html AndrewMTyrrell.html
  17. durasevic:2024:CEC Constructing Ensembles of Automatically Designed Relocation Rules for the Container Relocation Problem MarkoDurasevic.html MatejaDumic.html FranciscoJavierGilGala.html
  18. durasevic:2024:CEC2 Designing Relocation Rules with Genetic Programming for the Online Container Relocation Problem MarkoDurasevic.html MatejaDumic.html FranciscoJavierGilGala.html
  19. Durasevic:2024:EA Investigation of Structures for Routing Rules Designed by Genetic Programming for the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem MarkoDurasevic.html NikolinaFrid.html FranciscoJavierGilGala.html
  20. Durasevic:2024:EA2 Designing Less Myopic Routing Policies with Genetic Programming for the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem MarkoDurasevic.html FranciscoJavierGilGala.html
  21. pmlr-v238-sen-fong24a Multi-Level Symbolic Regression: Function Structure Learning for Multi-Level Data KeiSenFong.html MehulMotani.html
  22. gerber:2024:CEC Dynamic Function Generation for Text Classification MiaGerber.html NelishiaPillay.html
  23. ghasemi:2024:CEC Enhanced Genetic Programming Models with Multiple Equations for Accurate Semi-Autogenous Grinding Mill Throughput Prediction ZahraGhasemi.html MehdiNeshat.html ChrisAldrich.html JohnKarageorgos.html MaxZanin.html FrankNeumann.html LeiChen.html
  24. Goodman:2024:sigevolution 21st Human-Competitive Results Awards (``Humies'') 2024 ErikGoodman.html
  25. harper:2024:CEC Evaluating Machine Learning Techniques for Predicting Salinity MatthewHarper.html IvyLiu.html BingXue.html RossVennell.html MengjieZhang.html
  26. he:2024:CEC Evolving Benchmark Functions to Compare Evolutionary Algorithms via Genetic Programming YifanHe.html ClausdeCastroAranha.html
  27. Hrvatic:2024:EA Can Mutations Replace Local Search? Studying the Effect of Repeated Genetic Programming Operators in the Unrelated Machines Environment JosipHrvatic.html MarkoDurasevic.html FranciscoJavierGilGala.html DomagojJakobovic.html
  28. hsu:2024:CEC Program Synthesis on Single-Layer Loop Behavior in Pure Functional Programming Tzu-HaoHsu.html Chi-HsienChang.html Tian-LiYu.html
  29. jin:2024:CEC Evolving Priority Rules for Online Yard Crane Scheduling with Incomplete Tasks Data ChenweiJin.html RuibinBai.html HuayanZhang.html
  30. kunze:2024:CEC Searching Search Spaces: Meta-evolving a Geometric Encoding for Neural Networks TarekKunze.html PaulTemplier.html DennisGWilson.html
  31. laguili:2024:CEC Nonlinear Model-Based Predictive Control of Electric Water Heaters in Individual Dwellings OumaimaLaguili.html JulienEynard.html StephaneGrieu.html
  32. Langdon:2024:EI Sustaining Evolution for Shallow Embodied Intelligence WilliamBLangdon.html DanielHulme.html
  33. lavinas:2024:CEC Data Sampling via Active Learning in Cartesian Genetic Programming for Biomedical Data YuriLavinas.html NathanielHaut.html WilliamFPunch.html WolfgangBanzhaf.html SylvainCussat-Blanc.html
  34. Lee:2020:JLMN Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Multilayer Thin-walled Structures Based on Data-driven Model An-ChenLee.html Ruei-YuHuang.html Trong-DoanNguyen.html Chung-WeiCheng.html Mi-ChingTsai.html
  35. Li:2021:PoF Data-driven model development for large-eddy simulation of turbulence using gene-expression programing HaochenLi2.html YaominZhao.html JianchunWang.html RichardDSandberg.html
  36. liang:2024:CEC A Two-Stage Approach Using Genetic Algorithm and Genetic Programming for Remote Sensing Crop Classification JingLiang.html ZexuanYang.html TuoZhang.html YingBi.html
  37. liu:2024:CEC Effective Training of PINNs by Combining CMA-ES with Gradient Descent LinLiu.html YuanYuan.html
  38. mahouachi:2024:CEC A Bi-Level Evolutionary Model Tree Induction Approach for Regression SafaMahouachi.html MahaElarbi.html KhaledSethom.html SlimBechikh.html CarlosArtemioCoelloCoello.html
  39. marchetti:2024:CEC Full Inclusive Genetic Programming FrancescoMarchetti.html MauroCastelli.html IllyaBakurov.html LeonardoVanneschi.html
  40. matousek:2024:CEC Semi-Stable Periodic Orbits of the Deterministic Chaotic Systems Designed by means of Genetic Programming RadomilMatousek.html TomasHulka.html RenePierreLozi.html JakubKudela.html
  41. Niazkar:2021:SCI Bridge backwater estimation: A comparison between artificial intelligence models and explicit equations MajidNiazkar.html NasserTalebbeydokhti.html SeiedHoseinAfzali.html
  42. Ombuki-Berman:2024:GPEM Leonardo Vanneschi and Sara Silva: lectures on intelligent systems BeatriceOmbuki-Berman.html
  43. pang:2024:CEC Multi-Objective Genetic-Programming Hyper-Heuristic for Evolving Interpretable Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Rules JunweiPang.html YiMei.html MengjieZhang.html
  44. rimas:2024:CEC Feature Selection for GPSR Based on Maximal Information Coefficient and Shapley Values MohamadRimasMohamadAnfar.html QiChen.html MengjieZhang.html
  45. sagastabeitia:2024:CEC A Stacking Ensemble Machine Learning Strategy for COVID-19 Seroprevalence Estimations in the USA Based on Genetic Programming GontzalSagastabeitia.html JosuDoncel.html AntonioFernandezAnta.html JoseLisandroAguilarCastro.html JuanMarcosRamirez.html
  46. salamun:2024:CEC A Cooperative Coevolutionary Approach to Designing Acceptance Tests for Jobs With Weakly Hard Real-Time Constraints KarlaSalamun.html HrvojeDzapo.html
  47. scott:2024:CEC Varying Difficulty of Knowledge Reuse in Benchmarks for Evolutionary Knowledge Transfer EricOScott.html KennethDeJong.html
  48. Spector:2024:GPEM Chief editorship transition LeeSpector.html LeonardoTrujillo.html
  49. stapleton:2024:CEC NeuroLGP-SM: Scalable Surrogate-Assisted Neuroevolution for Deep Neural Networks FergalStapleton.html EdgarGalvanLopez.html
  50. DBLP:conf/icic/SunZMHGQZ24 Evolving Scheduling Heuristics for Energy-Efficient Dynamic Workflow Scheduling in Cloud via Genetic Programming Hyper-Heuristics ZaixingSun.html FangfangZhang.html YiMei.html HejiaoHuang.html ChonglinGu.html BinQian.html MengjieZhang.html
  51. Zaixing_Sun:TSC Multi-Tree Genetic Programming Hyper-Heuristic for Dynamic Flexible Workflow Scheduling in Multi-Clouds ZaixingSun.html YiMei.html FangfangZhang.html HejiaoHuang.html ChonglinGu.html MengjieZhang.html
  52. tang:2024:CEC Genetic Programming with Multi-Task Feature Selection for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis ShanshanTang.html QiChen.html BingXue.html MinHuang.html MengjieZhang.html
  53. tian:2024:CEC Learning Heuristics via Genetic Programming for Multi-Mode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling YuanTian.html YiMei.html MengjieZhang.html
  54. vasicek:2024:CEC Automated Synthesis of Commutative Approximate Arithmetic Operators ZdenekVasicek.html
  55. wang:2024:CEC Dimensionality Reduction for Classification Using Divide-and-Conquer Based Genetic Programming PengWang.html BingXue.html JingLiang.html MengjieZhang.html
  56. xu:2024:CEC A New Concordance Correlation Coefficient based Fitness Function for Genetic Programming for Symbolic Regression JizhongXu.html QiChen.html BingXue.html MengjieZhang.html
  57. yang:2024:IJCNN Design of Driver Stress Prediction Model with CNN-LSTM: Exploration of Feature Space using Genetic Programming TingtingYang.html ChenhaoXue.html JunChen2.html
  58. Kunjie_Yu:JAI A genetic programming approach with adaptive region detection to skin cancer image classification KunjieYu.html JintaoLian.html YingBi.html JingLiang.html BingXue.html MengjieZhang.html
  59. Kunjie_Yu:ieeeTEC An Automated and Interpretable Computer-Aided Approach for Skin Cancer Diagnosis Using Genetic Programming KunjieYu.html JintaoLian.html YingBi.html JingLiang.html BingXue.html MengjieZhang.html
  60. zhu:2024:CEC Crossover Operators Between Multiple Scheduling Heuristics with Genetic Programming for Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling LuyaoZhu.html FangfangZhang.html MengyuanFeng.html KeChen2.html XiaodongZhu.html MengjieZhang.html


  1. 2 Agapitos:2018:CMS Regularised Gradient Boosting for Financial Time-series Modelling AlexandrosAgapitos.html AnthonyBrabazon.html MichaelO'Neill.html
  2. 2 Al-Sahaf:2015:CEC Image Descriptor: A Genetic Programming Approach to Multiclass Texture Classification HarithAl-Sahaf.html MengjieZhang.html MarkJohnston.html BrijeshVerma.html
  3. 1 Ashlock:2015:CEC Evolving Fractal Art with a Directed Acyclic Graph Genetic Programming Representation DanielAshlock.html JeffreyTsang.html
  4. 1 battle:1999:GPFKBFLC Genetic Programming of Full Knowledge Bases for Fuzzy Logic Controllers DarylBattle.html AbdollahHomaifar.html EdwardWTunstel.html GerryDozier.html
  5. 1 Bernardino:2015:CEC Grammar-based Immune Programming to Assist in the Solution of Functional Equations HederSoaresBernardino.html HelioJCBarbosa.html
  6. 20 caetano:2023:GECCO Symbolic Regression Trees as Embedded Representations V_ctordeSouzaCaetano.html MatheusCandidoTeixeira.html GiseleLPappa.html
  7. 1 callan:2024:GI On Reducing Network Usage with Genetic Improvement JamesCallan.html WilliamBLangdon.html JustynaPetke.html
  8. 1 Chen:2015:CECa A sensor tagging approach for reusing building blocks of knowledge in learning classifier systems Liang-YuChen.html Po-MingLee.html Tzu-ChienHsiao.html
  9. 1 Chen:2015:CECb An ant colony optimization-based hyper-heuristic with genetic programming approach for a hybrid flow shop scheduling problem LinChen.html HongZheng.html DanZheng.html DongniLi.html
  10. 1 Chen:2015:CEC Generalisation and Domain Adaptation in GP with Gradient Descent for Symbolic Regression QiChen.html BingXue.html MengjieZhang.html
  11. 1 Dinh:2015:CEC Transfer Learning in Genetic Programming ThiThuHuongDinh.html ThiHuongChu.html QuangUyNguyen.html
  12. 22 Duela:2023:ICAECT Quantum assisted Genetic Algorithm for Sequencing Compatible Amino Acids in Drug Design ShinyDuelaJ.html UmamageswariA.html PrabavathiR.html PrashanthUmapathy.html RajaK.html
  13. 6 duffy:1999:CEF Using Symbolic Regression to Infer Strategies from Experimental Data JohnDuffy.html JimEngle-Warnick.html
  14. 1 Elsayed:2015:CEC Evaluating the performance of a differential evolution algorithm in anomaly detection SaberElsayed.html RuhulSarker.html JillSlay.html
  15. 2 fajardo-delgado:2024:AS Genetic Programming to Remove Impulse Noise in Color Images DanielFajardo-Delgado.html AnselYRodriguez-Gonzalez.html SergioSandoval-Perez.html JesusEzequielMolinar-Solis.html MariaGuadalupeSanchez-Cervantes.html
  16. 1 Fan:2015:CEC Prediction of Acute Hypotensive Episodes Using Random Forest Based on Genetic Programming ZhunFan.html YouxiangZuo.html DazhiJiang.html XinyeCai.html
  17. 25 FERREIRA:2019:PICFCPD A Genetic Programming Approach for Construction of Surrogate Models JimenaFerreira.html MartinPedemonte.html AnaInesTorres.html
  18. 1 francone:manual Discipulus Owner's Manual FrankDFrancone.html
  19. 1 Frankland:2015:CEC Evolving game playing strategies for Othello CliveFrankland.html NelishiaPillay.html
  20. 10 conf/biostec/GuoZN08 Breast Cancer Detection using Genetic Programming HongGuo.html QingZhang.html AsokeKNandi.html
  21. 69 Guo:thesis Feature generation and dimensionality reduction using genetic programming HongGuo.html
  22. 1 Hemberg:2024:GPEM Evolving code with a large language model ErikHemberg.html StephenMoskal.html Una-MayO'Reilly.html
  23. 1 Huang:2015:CEC Evolutionary Development of Electronic Stability Program for a Simulated Car in TORCS Environment JilinHuang.html IvanTTanev.html KatsunoriShimohara.html
  24. 1 Ivert:2015:CEC Feature Selection and Classification Using Ensembles of Genetic Programs and Within-class and Between-class Permutations AnnicaIvert.html ClausdeCastroAranha.html HitoshiIba.html
  25. 1 Jakobovic:2021:GECCO CoInGP: Convolutional Inpainting with Genetic Programming DomagojJakobovic.html LucaManzoni.html LucaMariot.html StjepanPicek.html MauroCastelli.html
  26. 1 Jarraya:2015:CEC Evolutionary multi-objective optimization for evolving hierarchical fuzzy system YosraJarraya.html SouhirBouaziz.html AdelMAlimi.html AjithAbraham.html
  27. 18 Jiang_Xue_2024 Racing Control Variable Genetic Programming for Symbolic Regression NanJiang.html YexiangXue.html
  28. 5 Karpuzcu:gecco05ws Automatic Verilog Code Generation through Grammatical Evolution UlyaRahmetKarpuzcu.html
  29. 1 langdon:2024:sigevolution Searching the Genetic Programming Bibliography WilliamBLangdon.html
  30. 9 langdon:2024:icga ``Lost Gems'' ICGA 1985: Proceedings of an International Conference on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications WilliamBLangdon.html
  31. 1 Lensen:2015:CEC Genetic Programming for Algae Detection in River Images AndrewLensen.html HarithAl-Sahaf.html MengjieZhang.html BrijeshVerma.html
  32. 2 LI:2022:watres Implementing machine learning to optimize the cost-benefit of urban water clarifier geometrics HaochenLi.html JohnJSansalone.html
  33. 22 Li:2015:ISCID Evolutionary Design of a Second-Order Butterworth Lowpass Filter YaoLi.html XuehuaZhang.html HongyuLiu.html
  34. 6 Liao:CSS Uncertain Commuters Assignment Through Genetic Programming Hyper-Heuristic Xiao-ChengLiao.html Ya-HuiJia.html Xiao-MinHu.html Wei-NengChen.html
  35. 6 Liskowski:2020:GECCO Program Synthesis as Latent Continuous Optimization: Evolutionary Search in Neural Embeddings PawelLiskowski.html KrzysztofKrawiec.html NihatEnginToklu.html JerrySwan.html
  36. 1 Lourenco:2016:GPEM Unveiling the properties of structured grammatical evolution NunoLourenco.html FranciscoJoseBaptistaPereira.html ErnestoCosta.html
  37. 1 Lourenco:2017:EuroGP A Comparative Study of Different Grammar-based Genetic Programming Approaches NunoLourenco.html JoaquimFerrer.html FranciscoJoseBaptistaPereira.html ErnestoCosta.html
  38. 1 Luo:2022:ESA An efficient genetic programming approach to design priority rules for resource-constrained project scheduling problem JingyuLuo.html MarioVanhoucke.html JoseCoelho.html WeikangGuo.html
  39. 2 Marginean:2015:SSBSE Automated Transplantation of Call Graph and Layout Features into Kate AlexandruMarginean.html EarlBarr.html MarkHarman.html YueJia.html
  40. 9 mcconaghy:2005:DATE CAFFEINE: Template-Free Symbolic Model Generation of Analog Circuits via Canonical Form Functions and Genetic Programming TrentMcConaghy.html TomEeckelaert.html GeorgesGEGielen.html
  41. 1 Mei:2015:CEC Heuristic Evolution with Genetic Programming for Traveling Thief Problem YiMei.html XiaodongLi.html FloraSalim.html XinYao.html
  42. 3 Miragaia:2020:SSCI Multi Pitch Estimation of Piano Music using Cartesian Genetic Programming with Spectral Harmonic Mask RolandoMiragaia.html GustavoMiguelJorgedosReis.html FranciscoFernandezdeVega.html FranciscoChavezdelaO.html
  43. 6 Moore:2007:HH Symbolic Modeling of Epistasis JasonHMoore.html NateBarney.html Chia-TiTsai.html Fu-TienChiang.html JiangGui.html BillCWhite.html
  44. 1 Nguyen:2015:CEC Enhancing Genetic Programming based Hyper-Heuristics for Dynamic Multi-objective Job Shop Scheduling Problems SuNguyen.html MengjieZhang.html KayChenTan.html
  45. 2 Nicolau:GPEM:funcset Choosing function sets with better generalisation performance for symbolic regression models MiguelNicolau.html AlexandrosAgapitos.html
  46. 2 Nunkesser:2007:bioinf Detecting high-order interactions of single nucleotide polymorphisms using genetic programming RobinNunkesser.html ThorstenBernholt.html HolgerSchwender.html KatjaIckstadt.html IngoWegener.html
  47. 15 Nunkesser:2008:gecco Analysis of a genetic programming algorithm for association studies RobinNunkesser.html
  48. 4 oneill:2002:gecco:workshop Investigations into Memory in Grammatical Evolution MichaelO'Neill.html ConorRyan.html
  49. 1 Ono:2015:CEC A CUDA-based Self-adaptive Subpopulation Model in Genetic Programming: cuSASGP KeikoOno.html YoshikoHanada.html
  50. 2 OReilly:1994:GPSAHC Program Search with a Hierarchical Variable Length Representation: Genetic Programming, Simulated Annealing and Hill Climbing Una-MayO'Reilly.html FranzOppacher.html
  51. 2 rainford:2022:GECCO Using Phylogenetic Analysis to Enhance Genetic Improvement PenelopeFaulknerRainford.html BarryPorter.html
  52. 1 randall:2022:SymReg Bingo: A Customizable Framework for Symbolic Regression with Genetic Programming DavidLRandall.html TylerSTownsend.html JacobDeanHochhalter.html GeoffreyFBomarito.html
  53. 1 Ruiz-Ortega:2024:SciRep An evolutionary parsimonious approach to estimate daily reference evapotranspiration FranciscoJavierRuizOrtega.html EddieHelbertClementeTorres.html AliciaMartinezRebollar.html JoseJassonFloresPrieto.html
  54. 3 Saletta:2022:CEC A Grammar-based Evolutionary Approach for Assessing Deep Neural Source Code Classifiers MartinaSaletta.html ClaudioFerretti.html
  55. 1 Samui:2020:IRMA Determination of Spatial Variability of Rock Depth of Chennai PijushSamui.html ViswanathanRamasamy.html JJagan.html PradeepUKurup.html
  56. 22 Sarafopoulos:2003:hbca Evolutionary Algorithms in Modeling and Animation AnargyrosSarafopoulos.html BernardBuxton.html
  57. 1 daSilva:2015:CEC A GP Approach to QoS-Aware Web Service Composition including Conditional Constraints AlexandreSawczukdaSilva.html HuiMa.html MengjieZhang.html
  58. 9 Schmidhuber:1997:ML Shifting Inductive Bias with Success-Story Algorithm, Adaptive Levin Search, and Incremental Self-Improvement JurgenSchmidhuber.html JieyuZhao.html MarcoWiering.html
  59. 1 Schonfeld:2015:CEC Flow of Control in Linear Genetic Programming JustinSchonfeld.html DanielAshlock.html
  60. 1 Sharma:2015:CEC Analysis of Genetic Programming in Gait Recognition DipakGaireSharma.html IvanTTanev.html KatsunoriShimohara.html
  61. 9 eurogp:ShichelZS05 GP-Robocode: Using Genetic Programming to Evolve Robocode Players YehonatanShichel.html EranZiserman.html MosheSipper.html
  62. 2 SaraSilva_11_2012 Bloat free genetic programming: application to human oral bioavailability prediction SaraSilva.html LeonardoVanneschi.html
  63. 1 Smid:2015:CEC Co-evolutionary Genetic Programming for Dataset Similarity Induction JakubSmid.html MartinPilat.html KlaraPeskova.html RomanNeruda.html
  64. 1 Tomoyuki:2015:CEC A Feature Transformation Method using Multiobjective Genetic Programming for Two-Class Classification TomoyukiHiroyasu.html ToshihideShiraishi.html TomoyaYoshida.html UtakoYamamoto.html
  65. 1 Tran:2015:CEC Impact of Imputation of Missing Values on Genetic Programming based Multiple Feature Construction for Classification CaoTruongTran.html PeterAndreae.html MengjieZhang.html
  66. 1 turing48:_intel Intelligent machinery AlanMTuring.html
  67. 1 Uusitalo:2024:GPEM Creative collaboration with interactive evolutionary algorithms: a reflective exploratory design study SeveriUusitalo.html AnnaKantosalo.html AnttiSalovaara.html TapioTakala.html ChristianGuckelsberger.html
  68. 1 Veerapen:2018:GPEM Visualising the global structure of search landscapes: genetic improvement as a case study NadarajenVeerapen.html GabrielaOchoa.html
  69. 1 Veiga:2015:CEC Using Grammar-based Genetic Programming to Determine Characteristics of Multiple Infections and Environmental Factors in the Development of Allergies and Asthma RafaelValenteVeiga.html JoaoMarcosdeFreitas.html HederSoaresBernardino.html HelioJCBarbosa.html NeuzaAlcatara-Neves.html
  70. 1 Wang:2015:CEC A Multi-objective Genetic Programming Approach to Uncover Explicit and Implicit Equations from Data BingWang.html HemantSingh.html TapabrataRay.html
  71. 1 wang:2022:AI Niching-Assisted Genetic Programming for Finding Multiple High-Quality Classifiers PengWang2.html BingXue.html JingLiang.html MengjieZhang.html
  72. 3 Weatheritt:thesis The Development of Data Driven Approaches to Further Turbulence Closures JackWeatheritt.html
  73. 3 Weimer:2009:ICES Automatically Finding Patches Using Genetic Programming WestleyWeimer.html ThanhVuNguyen.html ClaireLeGoues.html StephanieForrest.html
  74. 1 W2007GOEB Global Optimization Algorithms -- Theory Application ThomasWeise.html
  75. 1 Xie:2015:CEC A restricted neighbourhood Tabu Search for Storage Location Assignment Problem JingXie.html YiMei.html AndreasErnst.html XiaodongLi.html AndySong.html
  76. 1 yan:2024:GECCO2 Reinforcement Learning-Assisted Genetic Programming Hyper Heuristic Approach to Location-Aware Dynamic Online Application Deployment in Clouds LongfeiFelixYan.html HuiMa.html AaronChen.html
  77. journals/ijcisys/0009M16 A hybrid gene expression programming algorithm based on orthogonal design JieYang.html JunMa.html
  78. 1 Yoo:2024:GI Executing One's Way out of the Chinese Room ShinYoo.html
  79. 14 CHI-2011-YuN Cooks or Cobblers? Crowd Creativity through Combination Lixiu_Lisa_Yu.html JeffreyVNickerson.html
  80. 1 Yu:2015:CEC F-MOGP: A Novel Many-Objective Evolutionary Approach to QoS-Aware Data Intensive Web Service Composition YangYu.html HuiMa.html MengjieZhang.html
  81. 1 Yusuf:2015:CEC Application of Genetic Programming and Genetic Algorithm in Evolving Emotion Recognition Module RahadianYusuf.html IvanTTanev.html KatsunoriShimohara.html
  82. 3 Zhang:2020:EuroGPa Classification of Autism Genes using Network Science and Linear Genetic Programming YuZhang2.html YuanzhuChen.html TingHu.html

New and modified entries