Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Mark Harman

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GP coauthors/coeditors: John Ahlgren, Maria Eugenia Berezin, Kinga Bojarczuk, Elena Dulskyte, Inna Dvortsova, Johann George, Natalija Gucevska, Ralf Laemmel, Erik Meijer, Silvia Sapora, Justin Spahr-Summers, Maria Lomeli, Sophia Drossopoulou, Simon M Lucas, Steve Omohundro, Rubmary Rojas, Norm Zhou, Nadia Alshahwan, Xinbo Gao, Yue Jia, Ke Mao, Alexander Mols, Taijin Tei, Ilya Zorin, Alexandru Marginean, Inna Harper, Shubho Sengupta, Eddy Wang, Earl Barr, Justyna Petke, Christian Blum, Enrique Alba, Anne Auger, Jaume Bacardit, Josh C Bongard, Jurgen Branke, Nicolas Bredeche, Dimo Brockhoff, Francisco Chicano, Alan Dorin, Rene Doursat, Aniko Ekart, Tobias Friedrich, Mario Giacobini, Hitoshi Iba, Christian Igel, Thomas Jansen, Tim Kovacs, Taras Kowaliw, Manuel Lopez-Ibanez, Jose A Lozano, Gabriel Luque, John A W McCall, Alberto Moraglio, Alison A Motsinger, Frank Neumann, Gabriela Ochoa, Gustavo Olague, Yew-Soon Ong, Michael E Palmer, Gisele L Pappa, Konstantinos E Parsopoulos, Thomas Schmickl, Stephen L Smith, Christine Solnon, Thomas Stuetzle, El-Ghazali Talbi, Daniel R Tauritz, Leonardo Vanneschi, Bobby R Bruce, Erick Cantu-Paz, James A Foster, Kalyanmoy Deb, Lawrence Davis, Rajkumar Roy, Una-May O'Reilly, Hans-Georg Beyer, Russell K Standish, Graham Kendall, Stewart W Wilson, Joachim Wegener, Dipankar Dasgupta, Mitchell A Potter, Alan C Schultz, Kathryn A Dowsland, Natasha Jonoska, Julian F Miller, Riccardo Poli, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Edmund Burke, Paul Darwen, Dario Floreano, Owen Holland, Pier Luca Lanzi, Lee Spector, Andrea G B Tettamanzi, Dirk Thierens, Andrew M Tyrrell, Jose Javier Dolado Cosin, Daniel Rodriguez, William B Langdon, Federica Sarro, Angela Fan, Beliz Ugurhan Gokkaya, Mitya Lyubarskiy, Shin Yoo, Jie Marina Zhang, Giovani Guizzo, David Williams, David Robert White, Andrea Arcuri, John A Clark, Westley Weimer, Iman Hemati Moghadam, Fan Wu, Jens Krinke, Yuanyuan Zhang, Afnan Al-Subaihin, Anthony Finkelstein, William Martin, He Jiang, Ke Tang, Maria Kechagia, Sergey Mechtaev, Marc Modat, Brian Yee Hong Lam, Albert Vilella, Kiarash Mahdavi, Johannes Bader, Satish Chandra, Andrew Scott, Phil McMinn, Gordon Fraser, Gregory M Kapfhammer, Saemundur Oskar Haraldsson, John R Woodward, Alessio Petrozziello, XiaoYuan Xie, Fei-Ching (Diana) Kuo, Tsong Yueh Chen,

Genetic Programming Articles by Mark Harman

  1. Giovani Guizzo and David Williams and Mark Harman and Justyna Petke and Federica Sarro. Speeding up Genetic Improvement via Regression Test Selection. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 33(8) 2024. details

  2. Maria Kechagia and Sergey Mechtaev and Federica Sarro and Mark Harman. Evaluating Automatic Program Repair Capabilities to Repair API Misuses. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 48(7):2658-2679, 2022. details

  3. Bobby R. Bruce and Justyna Petke and Mark Harman and Earl T. Barr. Approximate Oracles and Synergy in Software Energy Search Spaces. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 45(11):1150-1169, 2019. details

  4. Justyna Petke and Saemundur O. Haraldsson and Mark Harman and William B. Langdon and David R. White and John R. Woodward. Genetic Improvement of Software: a Comprehensive Survey. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 22(3):415-432, 2018. details

  5. Justyna Petke and Mark Harman and William B. Langdon and Westley Weimer. Specialising Software for Different Downstream Applications Using Genetic Improvement and Code Transplantation. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 44(6):574-594, 2018. details

  6. Shin Yoo and Xiaoyuan Xie and Fei-Ching Kuo and Tsong Yueh Chen and Mark Harman. Human Competitiveness of Genetic Programming in Spectrum Based Fault Localisation: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 26(1):4:1-4:30, 2017. Winner Silver Humie 2017. details

  7. William B. Langdon and Brian Yee Hong Lam and Marc Modat and Justyna Petke and Mark Harman. Genetic Improvement of GPU Software. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 18(1):5-44, 2017. details

  8. He Jiang and Ke Tang and Justyna Petke and Mark Harman. Search Based Software Engineering. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 12(2):23 and 71, 2017. Guest Editorial. details

  9. Jose Javier Dolado and Daniel Rodriguez and Mark Harman and William B. Langdon and Federica Sarro. Evaluation of Estimation Models using the Minimum Interval of Equivalence. Applied Soft Computing, 49:956-967, 2016. details

  10. William B. Langdon and Mark Harman. Optimising Existing Software with Genetic Programming. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 19(1):118-135, 2015. details

  11. Mark Harman. Software Engineering Meets Evolutionary Computation. Computer, 44(10):31-39, 2011. Cover feature. details

  12. William B. Langdon and Mark Harman and Yue Jia. Efficient multi-objective higher order mutation testing with genetic programming. Journal of Systems and Software, 83(12):2416-2430, 2010. details

  13. Mark Harman. Automated Patching Techniques: The Fix Is In. Communications of the ACM, 53(5):108, 2010. details

  14. Kiarash Mahdavi and Mark Harman. Book Review: Automatic Re-Engineering of Software Using Genetic Programming. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 3(2):219-221, 2002. details

Genetic Programming Conference proceedings edited by Mark Harman

  1. Christian Blum and Enrique Alba and Anne Auger and Jaume Bacardit and Josh Bongard and Juergen Branke and Nicolas Bredeche and Dimo Brockhoff and Francisco Chicano and Alan Dorin and Rene Doursat and Aniko Ekart and Tobias Friedrich and Mario Giacobini and Mark Harman and Hitoshi Iba and Christian Igel and Thomas Jansen and Tim Kovacs and Taras Kowaliw and Manuel Lopez-Ibanez and Jose A. Lozano and Gabriel Luque and John McCall and Alberto Moraglio and Alison Motsinger-Reif and Frank Neumann and Gabriela Ochoa and Gustavo Olague and Yew-Soon Ong and Michael E. Palmer and Gisele Lobo Pappa and Konstantinos E. Parsopoulos and Thomas Schmickl and Stephen L. Smith and Christine Solnon and Thomas Stuetzle and El-Ghazali Talbi and Daniel Tauritz and Leonardo Vanneschi editors, GECCO '13: Proceeding of the fifteenth annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013. details

  2. Kalyanmoy Deb and Riccardo Poli and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Hans-Georg Beyer and Edmund Burke and Paul Darwen and Dipankar Dasgupta and Dario Floreano and James Foster and Mark Harman and Owen Holland and Pier Luca Lanzi and Lee Spector and Andrea Tettamanzi and Dirk Thierens and Andy Tyrrell editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- GECCO-2004, Part II. Volume 3103 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seattle, WA, USA, Springer-Verlag, 2004. details

  3. Kalyanmoy Deb and Riccardo Poli and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Hans-Georg Beyer and Edmund Burke and Paul Darwen and Dipankar Dasgupta and Dario Floreano and James Foster and Mark Harman and Owen Holland and Pier Luca Lanzi and Lee Spector and Andrea Tettamanzi and Dirk Thierens and Andy Tyrrell editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- GECCO-2004, Part I. Volume 3102 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seattle, WA, USA, Springer-Verlag, 2004. details

  4. Erick Cant\'u-Paz and James A. Foster and Kalyanmoy Deb and Lawrence Davis and Rajkumar Roy and Una-May O'Reilly and Hans-Georg Beyer and Russell K. Standish and Graham Kendall and Stewart W. Wilson and Mark Harman and Joachim Wegener and Dipankar Dasgupta and Mitchell A. Potter and Alan C. Schultz and Kathryn A. Dowsland and Natasha Jonoska and Julian F. Miller editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- GECCO 2003, Part II. Volume 2724 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2003. details

  5. Erick Cant\'u-Paz and James A. Foster and Kalyanmoy Deb and Lawrence Davis and Rajkumar Roy and Una-May O'Reilly and Hans-Georg Beyer and Russell K. Standish and Graham Kendall and Stewart W. Wilson and Mark Harman and Joachim Wegener and Dipankar Dasgupta and Mitchell A. Potter and Alan C. Schultz and Kathryn A. Dowsland and Natasha Jonoska and Julian F. Miller editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- GECCO 2003, Part I. Volume 2723 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Chicago, IL, USA, Springer, 2003. details

Genetic Programming conference papers by Mark Harman

  1. Angela Fan and Beliz Gokkaya and Mark Harman and Mitya Lyubarskiy and Shubho Sengupta and Shin Yoo and Jie M. Zhang. Large Language Models for Software Engineering: Survey and Open Problems. In Hoa Khanh Dam and Xing Hu editors, 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering: Future of Software Engineering (ICSE-FoSE), pages 31-53, Melbourne, Australia, 2023. details

  2. Nadia Alshahwan and Mark Harman and Alexandru Marginean. Software Testing Research Challenges: An Industrial Perspective. In Sreedevi Sampath editor, 16th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2023), pages 1-10, Dublin, Ireland, 2023. Keynote. details

  3. Mark Harman. Scaling Genetic Improvement and Automated Program Repair. In Maria Kechagia and Shin Hwei Tan and Sergey Mechtaev and Lin Tan editors, International Workshop on Automated Program Repair (APR'22), Internet, 2022. ACM. Invited keynote. details

  4. Giovani Guizzo and Justyna Petke and Federica Sarro and Mark Harman. Artifact for Enhancing Genetic Improvement of Software with Regression Test Selection. In Silvia Abrahao and Daniel Mendez editors, IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings (ICSE-Companion), page 220, 2021. details

  5. Giovani Guizzo and Justyna Petke and Federica Sarro and Mark Harman. Enhancing Genetic Improvement of Software with Regression Test Selection. In Arie van Deursen and Tao Xie and Natalia Juristo Oscar Dieste editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2021, pages 1323-1333, Madrid, 2021. IEEE. Winner ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Artifact Award. details

  6. John Ahlgren and Kinga Bojarczuk and Sophia Drossopoulou and Inna Dvortsova and Johann George and Natalija Gucevska and Mark Harman and Maria Lomeli and Simon M. Lucas and Erik Meijer and Steve Omohundro and Rubmary Rojas and Silvia Sapora and Norm Zhou. Facebook's Cyber-Cyber and Cyber-Physical Digital Twins. In Ruzanna Chitchyan and Jingyue Li and Barbara Weber and Tao Yue editors, EASE 2021: Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, Trondheim, Norway, 2021. ACM. details

  7. John Ahlgren and Maria Eugenia Berezin and Kinga Bojarczuk and Elena Dulskyte and Inna Dvortsova and Johann George and Natalija Gucevska and Mark Harman and Maria Lomeli and Erik Meijer and Silvia Sapora and Justin Spahr-Summers. Testing Web Enabled Simulation at Scale Using Metamorphic Testing. In Arie van Deursen and Tao Xie and Natalia Juristo Oscar Dieste editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2021, pages 140-149, 2021. IEEE. details

  8. John Ahlgren and Maria Eugenia Berezin and Kinga Bojarczuk and Elena Dulskyte and Inna Dvortsova and Johann George and Natalija Gucevska and Mark Harman and Ralf Laemmel and Erik Meijer and Silvia Sapora and Justin Spahr-Summers. WES: Agent-based User Interaction Simulation on Real Infrastructure. In Shin Yoo and Justyna Petke and Westley Weimer and Bobby R. Bruce editors, GI @ ICSE 2020, pages 276-284, internet, 2020. ACM. Invited Keynote. details

  9. Alexandru Marginean and Johannes Bader and Satish Chandra and Mark Harman and Yue Jia and Ke Mao and Alexander Mols and Andrew Scott. SapFix: Automated End-to-End Repair at Scale. In Joanne M. Atlee and Tevfik Bultan editors, 41st International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 269-278, Montreal, 2019. ACM. details

  10. Nadia Alshahwan and Xinbo Gao and Mark Harman and Yue Jia and Ke Mao and Alexander Mols and Taijin Tei and Ilya Zorin. Deploying Search Based Software Engineering with Sapienz at Facebook. In Thelma Elita Colanzi and Phil McMinn editors, SSBSE 2018, volume 11036, pages 3-45, Montpellier, France, 2018. Springer. details

  11. William B. Langdon and Mark Harman. Fitness Landscape of the Triangle Program. In Nadarajen Veerapen and Gabriela Ochoa editors, PPSN-2016 Workshop on Landscape-Aware Heuristic Search, Edinburgh, 2016. Also available as UCL RN/16/05. details

  12. William B. Langdon and Albert Vilella and Brian Yee Hong Lam and Justyna Petke and Mark Harman. Benchmarking Genetically Improved BarraCUDA on Epigenetic Methylation NGS datasets and nVidia GPUs. In Justyna Petke and Westley Weimer and David R. White editors, Genetic Improvement 2016 Workshop, pages 1131-1132, Denver, 2016. ACM. details

  13. Fan Wu and Mark Harman and Yue Jia and Jens Krinke. HOMI: Searching Higher Order Mutants For Software Improvement. In Federica Sarro and Kalyanmoy Deb editors, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering, SSBSE 2016, volume 9962, pages 18-33, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, 2016. Springer. best paper. details

  14. Federica Sarro and Alessio Petrozziello and Mark Harman. Multi-objective Software Effort Estimation. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE '16, pages 619-630, Austin, Texas, USA, 2016. ACM. Humie 2016 Bronze Medal. details

  15. Phil McMinn and Mark Harman and Gordon Fraser and Gregory M. Kapfhammer. Automated Search for Good Coverage Criteria: Moving from Code Coverage to Fault Coverage through Search-Based Software Engineering. In 2016 IEEE/ACM 9th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (SBST), pages 43-44, 2016. details

  16. William B. Langdon and David R. White and Mark Harman and Yue Jia and Justyna Petke. API-Constrained Genetic Improvement. In Federica Sarro and Kalyanmoy Deb editors, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering, SSBSE 2016, volume 9962, pages 224-230, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, 2016. Springer. details

  17. William B. Langdon and Mark Harman. Grow and Graft a better CUDA pknotsRG for RNA pseudoknot free energy calculation. In William B. Langdon and Justyna Petke and David R. White editors, Genetic Improvement 2015 Workshop, pages 805-810, Madrid, 2015. ACM. details

  18. Yue Jia and Mark Harman and William B. Langdon and Alexandru Marginean. Grow and Serve: Growing Django Citation Services Using SBSE. In Shin Yoo and Leandro Minku editors, SSBSE 2015 Challenge Track, volume 9275, pages 269-275, Bergamo, Italy, 2015. Springer. details

  19. Bobby R. Bruce and Justyna Petke and Mark Harman. Reducing Energy Consumption Using Genetic Improvement. In Sara Silva and Anna I Esparcia-Alcazar and Manuel Lopez-Ibanez and Sanaz Mostaghim and Jon Timmis and Christine Zarges and Luis Correia and Terrence Soule and Mario Giacobini and Ryan Urbanowicz and Youhei Akimoto and Tobias Glasmachers and Francisco Fernandez de Vega and Amy Hoover and Pedro Larranaga and Marta Soto and Carlos Cotta and Francisco B. Pereira and Julia Handl and Jan Koutnik and Antonio Gaspar-Cunha and Heike Trautmann and Jean-Baptiste Mouret and Sebastian Risi and Ernesto Costa and Oliver Schuetze and Krzysztof Krawiec and Alberto Moraglio and Julian F. Miller and Pawel Widera and Stefano Cagnoni and JJ Merelo and Emma Hart and Leonardo Trujillo and Marouane Keswsentini and Gabriela Ochoa and Francisco Chicano and Carola Doerr editors, GECCO '15: Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, pages 1327-1334, Madrid, Spain, 2015. ACM. details

  20. Fan Wu and Westley Weimer and Mark Harman and Yue Jia and Jens Krinke. Deep Parameter Optimisation. In Sara Silva and Anna I Esparcia-Alcazar and Manuel Lopez-Ibanez and Sanaz Mostaghim and Jon Timmis and Christine Zarges and Luis Correia and Terence Soule and Mario Giacobini and Ryan Urbanowicz and Youhei Akimoto and Tobias Glasmachers and Francisco Fernandez de Vega and Amy Hoover and Pedro Larranaga and Marta Soto and Carlos Cotta and Francisco B. Pereira and Julia Handl and Jan Koutnik and Antonio Gaspar-Cunha and Heike Trautmann and Jean-Baptiste Mouret and Sebastian Risi and Ernesto Costa and Oliver Schuetze and Krzysztof Krawiec and Alberto Moraglio and Julian F. Miller and Pawel Widera and Stefano Cagnoni and JJ Merelo and Emma Hart and Leonardo Trujillo and Marouane Kessentini and Gabriela Ochoa and Francisco Chicano and Carola Doerr editors, GECCO '15: Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, pages 1375-1382, Madrid, 2015. ACM. details

  21. Alexandru Marginean and Earl T. Barr and Mark Harman and Yue Jia. Automated Transplantation of Call Graph and Layout Features into Kate. In Yvan Labiche and Marcio Barros editors, SSBSE, volume 9275, pages 262-268, Bergamo, Italy, 2015. Springer. Winner Gold HUMIE. details

  22. William B. Langdon and Brian Yee Hong Lam and Justyna Petke and Mark Harman. Improving CUDA DNA Analysis Software with Genetic Programming. In Sara Silva and Anna I Esparcia-Alcazar and Manuel Lopez-Ibanez and Sanaz Mostaghim and Jon Timmis and Christine Zarges and Luis Correia and Terence Soule and Mario Giacobini and Ryan Urbanowicz and Youhei Akimoto and Tobias Glasmachers and Francisco Fernandez de Vega and Amy Hoover and Pedro Larranaga and Marta Soto and Carlos Cotta and Francisco B. Pereira and Julia Handl and Jan Koutnik and Antonio Gaspar-Cunha and Heike Trautmann and Jean-Baptiste Mouret and Sebastian Risi and Ernesto Costa and Oliver Schuetze and Krzysztof Krawiec and Alberto Moraglio and Julian F. Miller and Pawel Widera and Stefano Cagnoni and JJ Merelo and Emma Hart and Leonardo Trujillo and Marouane Kessentini and Gabriela Ochoa and Francisco Chicano and Carola Doerr editors, GECCO '15: Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, pages 1063-1070, Madrid, 2015. ACM. details

  23. Yue Jia and Fan Wu and Mark Harman and Jens Krinke. Genetic Improvement using Higher Order Mutation. In William B. Langdon and Justyna Petke and David R. White editors, Genetic Improvement 2015 Workshop, pages 803-804, Madrid, 2015. ACM. details

  24. Mark Harman and Justyna Petke. GI4GI: Improving Genetic Improvement Fitness Functions. In William B. Langdon and Justyna Petke and David R. White editors, Genetic Improvement 2015 Workshop, pages 793-794, Madrid, 2015. ACM. details

  25. Mark Harman and Yue Jia and Yuanyuan Zhang. Achievements, Open Problems and Challenges for Search Based Software Testing. In Gordon Fraser and Darko Marinov editors, 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2015, pages 1-12, Graz, Austria, 2015. IEEE. Keynote. details

  26. Afnan Al-Subaihin and Anthony Finkelstein and Mark Harman and Yue Jia and William Martin and Federica Sarro and Yuanyuan Zhang. App Store Mining and Analysis. In Aharon Abadi and Shah Rukh Humayoun and Henry Muccini editors, Third International Workshop on Software Development Lifecycle for Mobile, DeMobile 2015, Bergamo, Italy, 2015. Keynote. details

  27. Earl T. Barr and Mark Harman and Yue Jia and Alexandru Marginean and Justyna Petke. Automated Software Transplantation. In Tao Xie and Michal Young editors, International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ISSTA 2015, pages 257-269, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2015. ACM. ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award. details

  28. William B. Langdon and Mark Harman. Genetically Improved CUDA C++ Software. In Miguel Nicolau and Krzysztof Krawiec and Malcolm I. Heywood and Mauro Castelli and Pablo Garcia-Sanchez and Juan J. Merelo and Victor M. Rivas Santos and Kevin Sim editors, 17th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 8599, pages 87-99, Granada, Spain, 2014. Springer. details

  29. Justyna Petke and Mark Harman and William B. Langdon and Westley Weimer. Using Genetic Improvement and Code Transplants to Specialise a C++ Program to a Problem Class. In Miguel Nicolau and Krzysztof Krawiec and Malcolm I. Heywood and Mauro Castelli and Pablo Garcia-Sanchez and Juan J. Merelo and Victor M. Rivas Santos and Kevin Sim editors, 17th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 8599, pages 137-149, Granada, Spain, 2014. Springer. details

  30. William B. Langdon and Mark Harman. Improving Source Code with Genetic Programming. In Christian Igel and Dirk Arnold editors, GECCO 2014 Hot of the Press, Vancouver, Canada, 2014. ACM. details

  31. William B. Langdon and Marc Modat and Justyna Petke and Mark Harman. Improving 3D Medical Image Registration CUDA Software with Genetic Programming. In Christian Igel and Dirk V. Arnold and Christian Gagne and Elena Popovici and Anne Auger and Jaume Bacardit and Dimo Brockhoff and Stefano Cagnoni and Kalyanmoy Deb and Benjamin Doerr and James Foster and Tobias Glasmachers and Emma Hart and Malcolm I. Heywood and Hitoshi Iba and Christian Jacob and Thomas Jansen and Yaochu Jin and Marouane Kessentini and Joshua D. Knowles and William B. Langdon and Pedro Larranaga and Sean Luke and Gabriel Luque and John A. W. McCall and Marco A. Montes de Oca and Alison Motsinger-Reif and Yew Soon Ong and Michael Palmer and Konstantinos E. Parsopoulos and Guenther Raidl and Sebastian Risi and Guenther Ruhe and Tom Schaul and Thomas Schmickl and Bernhard Sendhoff and Kenneth O. Stanley and Thomas Stuetzle and Dirk Thierens and Julian Togelius and Carsten Witt and Christine Zarges editors, GECCO '14: Proceeding of the sixteenth annual conference on genetic and evolutionary computation conference, pages 951-958, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2014. ACM. details

  32. Mark Harman and Yue Jia and William B. Langdon and Justyna Petke and Iman Hemati Moghadam and Shin Yoo and Fan Wu. Genetic Improvement for Adaptive Software Engineering. In Gregor Engels editor, 9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS'14), pages 1-4, Hyderabad, India, 2014. ACM. Keynote. details

  33. Mark Harman and Yue Jia and Jens Krinke and W. B. Langdon and Justyna Petke and Yuanyuan Zhang. Search based software engineering for software product line engineering: a survey and directions for future work. In 18th International Software Product Line, SPLC 2014, pages 5-18, Florence, Italy, 2014. Invited keynote. details

  34. Mark Harman and Yue Jia and William B. Langdon. Babel Pidgin: SBSE Can Grow and Graft Entirely New Functionality into a Real World System. In Claire Le Goues and Shin Yoo editors, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium, on Search-Based Software Engineering, SSBSE 2014, volume 8636, pages 247-252, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2014. Springer. Winner SSBSE 2014 Challange Track. details

  35. Xiaoyuan Xie and Fei-Ching Kuo and Tsong Yueh Chen and Shin Yoo and Mark Harman. Provably Optimal and Human-Competitive Results in SBSE for Spectrum Based Fault Localisation. In Guenther Ruhe and Yuanyuan Zhang editors, Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering, volume 8084, pages 224-238, Leningrad, 2013. Springer. details

  36. Justyna Petke and William B. Langdon and Mark Harman. Applying Genetic Improvement to MiniSAT. In Guenther Ruhe and Yuanyuan Zhang editors, Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering, volume 8084, pages 257-262, Leningrad, 2013. Springer. Short Papers. details

  37. Yue Jia and Mark Harman and Bill Langdon. The GISMOE Architecture. In Yan Hu and Xiaochen Lai and Zhilei Ren and Jifeng Xuan editors, 2nd Chinese Search Based Software Engineering workshop, Dalian, China, 2013. Invited keynote. details

  38. Mark Harman and William B. Langdon and Westley Weimer. Genetic Programming for Reverse Engineering. In Rocco Oliveto and Romain Robbes editors, 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2013), pages 1-10, Koblenz, Germany, 2013. IEEE. Invited Keynote. details

  39. Mark Harman and William B. Langdon and Yue Jia and David R. White and Andrea Arcuri and John A. Clark. The GISMOE challenge: Constructing the Pareto Program Surface Using Genetic Programming to Find Better Programs. In The 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 12), pages 1-14, Essen, Germany, 2012. ACM. keynote paper. details

  40. W. B. Langdon and M. Harman. Evolving a CUDA Kernel from an nVidia Template. In Pilar Sobrevilla editor, 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 2376-2383, Barcelona, 2010. IEEE. details

  41. Mark Harman and Yue Jia and William B. Langdon. A Manifesto for Higher Order Mutation Testing. In Lydie du Bousquet and Jeremy Bradbury and Gordon Fraser editors, Mutation 2010, pages 80-89, Paris, 2010. IEEE Computer Society. Keynote. details

  42. W. B. Langdon and Mark Harman and Yue Jia. Multi Objective Higher Order Mutation Testing with GP. In Guenther Raidl and Franz Rothlauf and Giovanni Squillero and Rolf Drechsler and Thomas Stuetzle and Mauro Birattari and Clare Bates Congdon and Martin Middendorf and Christian Blum and Carlos Cotta and Peter Bosman and Joern Grahl and Joshua Knowles and David Corne and Hans-Georg Beyer and Ken Stanley and Julian F. Miller and Jano van Hemert and Tom Lenaerts and Marc Ebner and Jaume Bacardit and Michael O'Neill and Massimiliano Di Penta and Benjamin Doerr and Thomas Jansen and Riccardo Poli and Enrique Alba editors, GECCO '09: Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, page 1945, Montreal, 2009. ACM. details

  43. William B. Langdon and Mark Harman and Yue Jia. Multi Objective Mutation Testing with Genetic Programming. In Leonardo Bottaci and Gregory Kapfhammer and Neil Walkinshaw editors, TAIC-PART, pages 21-29, Windsor, UK, 2009. IEEE. details

  44. Mark Harman. Search Based Software Engineering for Program Comprehension. In Kenny Wong editor, 15th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2007), Banff, Canada, 2007. IEEE. Invited paper. details

Genetic Programming technical reports by Mark Harman

  1. Bobby R. Bruce and Justyna Petke and Mark Harman and Earl T. Barr. Approximate Oracles and Synergy in Software Energy Search Spaces. Technical report, RN/17/01, University College, London, London, UK, 2017. details

  2. W. B. Langdon and M. Harman. Genetically Improved CUDA kernels for StereoCamera. Research Note , RN/14/02, Department of Computer Science, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK, 2014. details

  3. Xiaoyuan Xie and Fei-Ching Kuo and Tsong Yueh Chen and Shin Yoo and Mark Harman. Theoretical Analysis of GP-Evolved Risk Evaluation Formulas for Spectrum Based Fault Localisation. Research Note , RN/13/06, Department of Computer Science, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK, 2013. details

  4. W. B. Langdon and M. Harman. Using Genetic Programming to Model Software. Technical report, RN/13/12, Department of Computer Science, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK, 2013. details

  5. William B. Langdon and Mark Harman. Genetically Improving 50000 Lines of C++. Research Note , RN/12/09, Department of Computer Science, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK, 2012. details

  6. W. B. Langdon and M. Harman. Evolving gzip matches Kernel from an nVidia CUDA Template. Technical report, TR-10-02, Department of Computer Science, King's College London, London, WC2R 2LS, UK, 2010. details

  7. W. B. Langdon and M. Harman. Evolving a CUDA Kernel from an nVidia Template. Technical report, TR-10-07, Department of Computer Science, Crest Centre, King's College, London, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS, UK, 2010. Invited presentation to the Natural Computing Applications Forum,, 12-13 July 2010, Surrey University. details

Genetic Programming other entries for Mark Harman