Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Yuliana Martinez

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Stefano Beretta, Mauro Castelli, Luis Munoz Delgado, Sara Silva, Leonardo Trujillo, Luciano Milanesi, Ivan Merelli, Ales Popovic, Uriel Lopez, Pierrick Legrand, Enrique Naredo, Edgar Galvan Lopez, Arturo Sotelo, Enrique Guijarro Estelles, Luis N Coria, Patricia Melin, Lee Spector,

Genetic Programming Articles by Yuliana Martinez

  1. Stefano Beretta and Mauro Castelli and Luis Munoz and Leonardo Trujillo and Yuliana Martinez and Ales Popovic and Luciano Milanesi and Ivan Merelli. A Scalable Genetic Programming Approach to Integrate miRNA-Target Predictions: Comparing Different Parallel Implementations of M3GP. Complexity, 2018:Article ID 4963139, 2018. details

  2. Yuliana Martinez and Enrique Naredo and Leonardo Trujillo and Pierrick Legrand and Uriel Lopez. A comparison of fitness-case sampling methods for genetic programming. Journal of Experimental \& Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 29(6):1203-1224, 2017. details

  3. Yuliana Martinez and Leonardo Trujillo and Pierrick Legrand and Edgar Galvan-Lopez. Prediction of expected performance for a genetic programming classifier. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 17(4):409-449, 2016. details

  4. Arturo Sotelo and Enrique Guijarro and Leonardo Trujillo and Luis N. Coria and Yuliana Martinez. Identification of epilepsy stages from ECoG using genetic programming classifiers. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 43(11):1713-1723, 2013. details

Genetic Programming PhD doctoral thesis Yuliana Martinez

Genetic Programming conference papers by Yuliana Martinez

  1. Uriel Lopez and Leonardo Trujillo and Yuliana Martinez and Pierrick Legrand and Enrique Naredo and Sara Silva. RANSAC-GP: Dealing with Outliers in Symbolic Regression with Genetic Programming. In Mauro Castelli and James McDermott and Lukas Sekanina editors, EuroGP 2017: Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 10196, pages 114-130, Amsterdam, 2017. Springer Verlag. details

  2. S. Beretta and M. Castelli and Yuliana Martinez and Luis Munoz and Sara Silva and Leonardo Trujillo and Luciano Milanesi and Ivan Merelli. A Machine Learning Approach for the Integration of miRNA-Target Predictions. In 2016 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP), pages 528-534, 2016. details

  3. Leonardo Trujillo and Luis Munoz and Enrique Naredo and Yuliana Martinez. NEAT, There's No Bloat. In Miguel Nicolau and Krzysztof Krawiec and Malcolm I. Heywood and Mauro Castelli and Pablo Garcia-Sanchez and Juan J. Merelo and Victor M. Rivas Santos and Kevin Sim editors, 17th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 8599, pages 174-185, Granada, Spain, 2014. Springer. details

  4. Yuliana Martinez and Leonardo Trujillo and Enrique Naredo and Pierrick Legrand. A Comparison of Fitness-Case Sampling Methods for Symbolic Regression with Genetic Programming. In Alexandru-Adrian Tantar and Emilia Tantar and Jian-Qiao Sun and Wei Zhang and Qian Ding and Oliver Schuetze and Michael Emmerich and Pierrick Legrand and Pierre Del Moral and Carlos A. Coello Coello editors, EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation V, volume 288, pages 201-212, Peking, 2014. Springer. details

  5. Enrique Naredo and Leonardo Trujillo and Yuliana Martinez. Searching for Novel Classifiers. In Krzysztof Krawiec and Alberto Moraglio and Ting Hu and A. Sima Uyar and Bin Hu editors, Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2013, volume 7831, pages 145-156, Vienna, Austria, 2013. Springer Verlag. details

  6. Leonardo Trujillo and Lee Spector and Enrique Naredo and Yuliana Martinez. A behavior-based analysis of modal problems. In Christian Blum and Enrique Alba and Thomas Bartz-Beielstein and Daniele Loiacono and Francisco Luna and Joern Mehnen and Gabriela Ochoa and Mike Preuss and Emilia Tantar and Leonardo Vanneschi and Kent McClymont and Ed Keedwell and Emma Hart and Kevin Sim and Steven Gustafson and Ekaterina Vladislavleva and Anne Auger and Bernd Bischl and Dimo Brockhoff and Nikolaus Hansen and Olaf Mersmann and Petr Posik and Heike Trautmann and Muhammad Iqbal and Kamran Shafi and Ryan Urbanowicz and Stefan Wagner and Michael Affenzeller and David Walker and Richard Everson and Jonathan Fieldsend and Forrest Stonedahl and William Rand and Stephen L. Smith and Stefano Cagnoni and Robert M. Patton and Gisele L. Pappa and John Woodward and Jerry Swan and Krzysztof Krawiec and Alexandru-Adrian Tantar and Peter A. N. Bosman and Miguel Vega-Rodriguez and Jose M. Chaves-Gonzalez and David L. Gonzalez-Alvarez and Sergio Santander-Jimenez and Lee Spector and Maarten Keijzer and Kenneth Holladay and Tea Tusar and Boris Naujoks editors, GECCO '13 Companion: Proceeding of the fifteenth annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion, pages 1047-1054, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013. ACM. details

  7. Leonardo Trujillo and Enrique Naredo and Yuliana Martinez. Preliminary Study of Bloat in Genetic Programming with Behavior-Based Search. In Michael Emmerich and Andre Deutz and Oliver Schuetze and Thomas Baeck and Emilia Tantar and Alexandru-Adrian and Pierre Del Moral and Pierrick Legrand and Pascal Bouvry and Carlos A. Coello editors, EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation IV, volume 227, pages 293-305, Leiden, Holland, 2013. Springer. details

  8. Yuliana Martinez and Enrique Naredo and Leonardo Trujillo and Edgar Galvan-Lopez. Searching for Novel Regression Functions. In Luis Gerardo de la Fraga editor, 2013 IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, volume 1, pages 16-23, Cancun, Mexico, 2013. details

  9. Leonardo Trujillo and Yuliana Martinez and Edgar Galvan Lopez and Pierrick Legrand. A comparative study of an evolvability indicator and a predictor of expected performance for genetic programming. In Terry Soule and Anne Auger and Jason Moore and David Pelta and Christine Solnon and Mike Preuss and Alan Dorin and Yew-Soon Ong and Christian Blum and Dario Landa Silva and Frank Neumann and Tina Yu and Aniko Ekart and Will Browne and Tim Kovacs and Man-Leung Wong and Clara Pizzuti and Jon Rowe and Tobias Friedrich and Giovanni Squillero and Nicolas Bredeche and Stephen L. Smith and Alison Motsinger-Reif and Jose Lozano and Martin Pelikan and Silja Meyer-Nienberg and Christian Igel and Greg Hornby and Rene Doursat and Steve Gustafson and Gustavo Olague and Shin Yoo and John Clark and Gabriela Ochoa and Gisele Pappa and Fernando Lobo and Daniel Tauritz and Jurgen Branke and Kalyanmoy Deb editors, GECCO Companion '12: Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion, pages 1489-1490, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2012. ACM. details

  10. Arturo Sotelo and Enrique Guijarro and Leonardo Trujillo and Luis Coria and Yuliana Martinez. Analysis and Classification of Epilepsy Stages with Genetic Programming. In Oliver Schuetze and Carlos A. Coello Coello and Alexandru-Adrian Tantar and Emilia Tantar and Pascal Bouvry and Pierre Del Moral and Pierrick Legrand editors, EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation II, volume 175, pages 57-70, Mexico City, Mexico, 2012. Springer. details

  11. Leonardo Trujillo and Yuliana Martinez and Edgar Galvan-Lopez and Pierrick Legrand. A comparison of predictive measures of problem difficulty for classification with Genetic Programming. In ERA 2012, Tijuana, Mexico, 2012. details

  12. Leonardo Trujillo and Yuliana Mart\'inez and Patricia Melin. Estimating classifier performance with Genetic Programming. In Sara Silva and James A. Foster and Miguel Nicolau and Mario Giacobini and Penousal Machado editors, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2011, volume 6621, pages 274-285, Turin, Italy, 2011. Springer Verlag. details

  13. Leonardo Trujillo and Yuliana Martinez and Patricia Melin. How many neurons?: a genetic programming answer. In Natalio Krasnogor and Pier Luca Lanzi and Andries Engelbrecht and David Pelta and Carlos Gershenson and Giovanni Squillero and Alex Freitas and Marylyn Ritchie and Mike Preuss and Christian Gagne and Yew Soon Ong and Guenther Raidl and Marcus Gallager and Jose Lozano and Carlos Coello-Coello and Dario Landa Silva and Nikolaus Hansen and Silja Meyer-Nieberg and Jim Smith and Gus Eiben and Ester Bernado-Mansilla and Will Browne and Lee Spector and Tina Yu and Jeff Clune and Greg Hornby and Man-Leung Wong and Pierre Collet and Steve Gustafson and Jean-Paul Watson and Moshe Sipper and Simon Poulding and Gabriela Ochoa and Marc Schoenauer and Carsten Witt and Anne Auger editors, GECCO '11: Proceedings of the 13th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 175-176, Dublin, Ireland, 2011. ACM. details

  14. Leonardo Trujillo and Yuliana Martinez and Edgar Galvan-Lopez and Pierrick Legrand. Predicting problem difficulty for genetic programming applied to data classification. In Natalio Krasnogor and Pier Luca Lanzi and Andries Engelbrecht and David Pelta and Carlos Gershenson and Giovanni Squillero and Alex Freitas and Marylyn Ritchie and Mike Preuss and Christian Gagne and Yew Soon Ong and Guenther Raidl and Marcus Gallager and Jose Lozano and Carlos Coello-Coello and Dario Landa Silva and Nikolaus Hansen and Silja Meyer-Nieberg and Jim Smith and Gus Eiben and Ester Bernado-Mansilla and Will Browne and Lee Spector and Tina Yu and Jeff Clune and Greg Hornby and Man-Leung Wong and Pierre Collet and Steve Gustafson and Jean-Paul Watson and Moshe Sipper and Simon Poulding and Gabriela Ochoa and Marc Schoenauer and Carsten Witt and Anne Auger editors, GECCO '11: Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 1355-1362, Dublin, Ireland, 2011. ACM. details