keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming, automatic
programming, open issue",
ISSN = "1389-2576",
DOI = "doi:10.1007/s10710-019-09364-2",
size = "12 pages",
abstract = "Automatic programming, the automatic generation of a
computer program given a high-level statement of the
programs desired behaviour, is a stated objective of
the field of genetic programming. As the general
solution to a computational problem is to write a
computer program, and given that genetic programming
can automatically generate a computer program,
researchers in the field of genetic programming refer
to its ability to automatically solve problems. Genetic
programming has also been described as an invention
machine that is capable of generating human-competitive
solutions. We argue that the majority of success and
focus of our field has not actually been as a result of
automatic programming. We set out to challenge the
genetic programming community to refocus our research
towards the objective of automatic programming, and to
do so in a manner that embraces a wider perspective
encompassing the related fields of, for example,
artificial intelligence, machine learning, analytics,
optimisation and software engineering.",
notes = "AI-complete problem. artificial general intelligence.
code synthesis.