abstract = "The central hypothesis of this thesis is that the
reduction of variance and inappropriate bias in GP will
lead to the evolution of more generalisable and robust
numerical binary classifiers. A secondary, supporting,
hypothesis is that dynamic, individualised approaches
may have a role to play in reducing the magnitude of
error due to bias and variance, as such approaches can
introduce diversity and change into the learning
system. We expect that, where an influencing parameter
is applied identically to each member of the
population, and remains unchanged throughout evolution,
that any (undesirable) effects on bias and variance
error are likely to be stronger than if individuals in
the population apply the same parameter differently,
and where the application of any such parameter can
change in response to system behaviour. In other words,
a monolithic system may suffer from monolithic bias,
and we believe that the introduction of individualised,
dynamic approaches may have a beneficial effect in
diluting this, leading to improved generalisation in
the GP learner. We explore the concepts of bias and
variance as components of generalisation error for
binary classification tasks, and investigate aspects of
the GP paradigm which may influence these error
components. Specifically, we identify sources of
variance, language bias, search bias and selection bias
inherent in standard GP for binary classification and
pose several core questions relating to these sources.
If the research can be shown to affirmatively answer
these core questions, then our hypotheses will have
been proved.
In responding to the core questions we carry out
several empirical studies with the objective of gaining
a deeper understanding of the impacts of these sources
of bias and variance on generalisation and we propose
several novel approaches which may be used to reduce
variance, or to replace inappropriate inductive biases
with more appropriate ones, with a view to improving
generalisation performance.
Ultimately we combine several techniques, developed to
address our fundamental questions, into a single,
optimised GP (OGP) configuration. This is evaluated on
nine different binary classification tasks and compared
with the performance of several well known and
respected machine learning algorithms on the same
datasets. Results of these experiments demonstrate that
a GP learner which has been optimised to reduce
variance and bias error through individualised, dynamic
and population based adaptations can deliver
classification performance which is competitive with
other machine learning algorithms.
The empirical studies and proposed techniques described
in this theses provide answers to the core questions
which we believe validate our central and supporting