title = "Stock Market Prediction Using Multi Expression
booktitle = "ALEA-05, Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary
Algorithms at EPIA'05 - Proc. of the 12th Portuguese
Conference on Artificial Intelligence",
abstract = "The use of intelligent systems for stock market
predictions has been widely established. In this paper,
we introduce a genetic programming technique (called
Multi-Expression Programming) for the prediction of two
stock indices. The performance is then compared with an
Artificial Neural Network trained using
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, Support Vector Machine,
Takagi-Sugeno Neuro-Fuzzy model and Difference Boosting
Neural Network. We considered Nasdaq-100 index of
Nasdaq Stock MarketSM and the S and P CNX NIFTY stock
index as test data.",
notes = "Also known as \cite{4145927}.
Does not appear in Springer publication LNAI 3808.