Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Valentin Obac Roda

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Emerson Carlos Pedrino, Jose Hiroki Saito, Osmar Ogashawara, Edilson R R Kato, Orides Morandin Jr, Luis Mariano del Val Cura, Mario Luiz Tronco, Roberto Hideaki Tsunaki, Maria do Carmo Nicoletti, Paulo Cesar Donizeti Paris, Denis Pereira de Lima, Igor Felipe Gallon, Fredy Joao Valente, Marcio Merino Fernandes,

Genetic Programming Articles by Valentin Obac Roda

  1. Emerson Carlos Pedrino and Igor Felipe Gallon and Fredy Joao Valente and Marcio Merino Fernandes and Osmar Ogashawara and Valentin Obac Roda. A Novel Methodology for Automated Generation of Flexible Hardware Architectures. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2018. details

  2. Emerson Carlos Pedrino and Paulo Cesar Donizeti Paris and Denis Pereira de Lima and Valentin Obac Roda. Software review: CGP-Library. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 18(2):279-281, 2017. Software Review. details

  3. Emerson Carlos Pedrino and Valentin Obac Roda and Edilson Reis Rodrigues Kato and Jose Hiroki Saito and Mario Luiz Tronco and Roberto H. Tsunaki and Orides Morandin, Jr. and Maria C. Nicoletti. A genetic programming based system for the automatic construction of image filters. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 20(3):275-287, 2013. details

  4. Emerson Carlos Pedrino and Jose Hiroki Saito and Valentin Obac Roda. A Genetic Programming Approach to Reconfigure a Morphological Image Processing Architecture. International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, 2011(Article ID 712494) 2011. details

Genetic Programming conference papers by Valentin Obac Roda

  1. E. C. Pedrino and M. C. Nicoletti and J. H. Saito and L. M. V. Cura and V. O. Roda. A Binary Morphology-Based Clustering Algorithm Directed by Genetic Algorithm. In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2013), pages 409-414, 2013. details

  2. Emerson Carlos Pedrino and Jose Hiroki Saito and Edilson R. R. Kato and Orides Morandin, Jr. and Luis Mariano Del Val Cura and Valentin Obac Roda and Mario L. Tronco and Roberto H. Tsunaki. Automatic construction of image operators using a genetic programming approach. In 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2011), pages 636-641, Cordoba, 2011. details

  3. Emerson Carlos Pedrino and Jose Hiroki Saito and Valentin Obac Roda. Architecture for binary mathematical morphology reconfigurable by genetic programming. In VI Southern Programmable Logic Conference (SPL 2010), pages 93-98, 2010. details

  4. Emerson Carlos Pedrino and Osmar Ogashawara and Valentin Obac Roda. Reconfigurable architecture for mathematical morphology using genetic programming and FPGAs. In IEEE International Symposium on Parallel Distributed Processing, Workshops and Phd Forum (IPDPSW), 2010, 2010. details