Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Ukrit WatchAreeruetai

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Purit Thong-on, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Tetsuya Matsumoto, Noboru Ohnishi, Hiroaki Kudo,

Genetic Programming Articles by Ukrit WatchAreeruetai

  1. Ukrit Watchareeruetai and Yoshinori Takeuchi and Tetsuya Matsumoto and Hiroaki Kudo and Noboru Ohnishi. Redundancies in linear GP, canonical transformation, and its exploitation: a demonstration on image feature synthesis. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 12(1):49-77, 2011. details

  2. Ukrit Watchareeruetai and Yoshinori Takeuchi and Tetsuya Matsumoto and Hiroaki Kudo and Noboru Ohnishi. Evaluations of Feature Extraction Programs Synthesized by Redundancy-removed Linear Genetic Programming: A Case Study on the Lawn Weed Detection Problem. Journal of Information Processing, 18:164-174, 2010. details

  3. Ukrit Watchareeruetai and Tetsuya Matsumoto and Yoshinori Takeuchi and Hiroaki Kudo and Noboru Ohnishi. Multi-Objective Genetic Programming with Redundancy-Regulations for Automatic Construction of Image Feature Extractors. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 93-D(9):2614-2625, 2010. details

  4. Ukrit Watchareeruetai and Tetsuya Matsumoto and Noboru Ohnishi and Hiroaki Kudo and Yoshinori Takeuchi. Acceleration of Genetic Programming by Hierarchical Structure Learning: A Case Study on Image Recognition Program Synthesis. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E92-D(10):2094-2102, 2009. details

Genetic Programming conference papers by Ukrit WatchAreeruetai

  1. Purit Thong-on and Ukrit Watchareeruetai. Detection of fibrosis in liver biopsy images using multi-objective genetic programming. In 2017 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 2017. details

  2. Ukrit Watchareeruetai and Tetsuya Matsumoto and Yoshinori Takeuchi and Hiroaki Kudo and Noboru Ohnishi. Construction of image feature extractors based on multi-objective genetic programming with redundancy regulations. In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2009. SMC 2009, pages 1328-1333, Texas, USA, 2009. details

  3. Ukrit Watchareeruetai and Yoshinori Takeuchi and Tetsuya Matsumoto and Hiroaki Kudo and Noboru Ohnishi. Improving search performance of linear genetic programming based image recognition program synthesis by redundancy-removed recombination. In IEEE Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, 2008. SMCia '08, pages 393-398, Muroran, Japan, 2008. details

  4. Ukrit Watchareeruetai and Yoshinori Takeuchi and Tetsuya Matsumoto and Noboru Ohnishi. Transformation of Redundant Representations of Linear Genetic Programming into Canonical Forms for Efficient Extraction of Image Features. In Jun Wang editor, 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 1996-2003, Hong Kong, 2008. IEEE Press. details

Genetic Programming book chapters by Ukrit WatchAreeruetai