Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Simon Harding

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Andrew Adamatzky, Victor Erokhin, Richard Mayne, Nina Gizzie, Frantisek Baluska, Stefano Mancuso, Georgios Ch Sirakoulis, Jaume Bacardit, Ivan T Tanev, Jorn Mehnen, Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Lawrence David Davis, Carlos Artemio Coello Coello, Dara Curran, Thomas Jansen, Daniele Loiacono, Albert Orriols-Puig, Ryan J Urbanowicz, William B Langdon, Man Leung Wong, Garnett Carl Wilson, Tony Lewis, Stephen L Smith, Stefano Cagnoni, Robert M Patton, William Michael Rand, Forrest Stonedahl, Gisele L Pappa, Alex Alves Freitas, Jerry Swan, John R Woodward, Maria J Blesa, Christian Blum, Steven M Gustafson, Ekaterina (Katya) Vladislavleva, Mark W Hauschild, Martin Pelikan, Ender Ozcan, Andrew J Parkes, Jonathan E Rowe, Pascal Bouvry, Samee U Khan, Gregoire Danoy, Alexandru-Adrian Tantar, Emilia Tantar, Bernabe Dorronsoro, Miguel Nicolau, L Darrell Whitley, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Pierre Collet, Anna Esparcia-Alcazar, Ying-ping Chen, Gabriela Ochoa, Marc Schoenauer, Anne Auger, Hans-Georg Beyer, Nikolaus Hansen, Steffen Finck, Raymond Ros, Laurence D Merkle, Frank William Moore, Sevan G Ficici, Rick L Riolo, Nawwaf Kharma, William R Buckley, Julian F Miller, Kenneth O Stanley, Will N Browne, Jan Drugowitsch, Nicola Beume, Mike Preuss, Jim DeLeo, Alexandru Floares, Aaron Baughman, Maarten Keijzer, Arthur K Kordon, Clare Bates Congdon, Juergen Leitner, Jurgen Schmidhuber, Vincent Graziano, Jan Koutnik, Ting Hu, Taras Kowaliw, Alexander Forster, Pramod Chandrashekhariah, Mikhail Frank, Gabriele Spina, Jochen Triesch, Lukas Sekanina,

Genetic Programming Articles by Simon Harding

  1. Juergen Leitner and Simon Harding and Pramod Chandrashekhariah and Mikhail Frank and Alexander Foerster and Jochen Triesch and Juergen Schmidhuber. Learning visual object detection and localisation using icVision. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, 5:29-41, 2013. Extended versions of selected papers from the Third Annual Meeting of the BICA Society (BICA 2012). details

  2. Juergen Leitner and Simon Harding and Mikhail Frank and Alexander Forster and Jurgen Schmidhuber. Learning Spatial Object Localization from Vision on a Humanoid Robot. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 9 2012. details

  3. Ting Hu and Simon Harding and Wolfgang Banzhaf. Variable population size and evolution acceleration: a case study with a parallel evolutionary algorithm. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 11(2):205-225, 2010. details

  4. Simon Harding and Julian F. Miller and Wolfgang Banzhaf. Developments in Cartesian Genetic Programming: self-modifying CGP. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 11(3/4):397-439, 2010. Tenth Anniversary Issue: Progress in Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. details

  5. S. Harding and W. Banzhaf. Genetic programming on GPUs for image processing. International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture, 1(4):231-240, 2008. details

  6. Garnett Wilson and Simon Harding. WCCI 2008 Special Session: Computational Intelligence on Consumer Games and Graphics Hardware (CIGPU-2008). SIGEVOlution, 3(1):19-21, 2008. details

Genetic Programming Conference proceedings edited by Simon Harding

Genetic Programming conference papers by Simon Harding

  1. Jurgen Leitner and Simon Harding and Mikhail Frank and Alexander Forster and Jurgen Schmidhuber. Humanoid Learns to Detect Its Own Hands. In Luis Gerardo de la Fraga editor, 2013 IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, volume 1, pages 1411-1418, Cancun, Mexico, 2013. details

  2. Juergen Leitner and Simon Harding and Mikhail Frank and Alexander Foerster and Juergen Schmidhuber. Towards Spatial Perception: Learning to Locate Objects From Vision. In Joanna Szufnarowska editor, Proceedings of the Post-Graduate Conference on Robotics and Development of Cognition, pages 20-23, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2012. details

  3. J. Leitner and S. Harding and A. Forster and J. Schmidhuber. Mars Terrain Image Classification using Cartesian Genetic Programming. In 11th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS), Turin, Italy, 2012. details

  4. Julian Francis Miller and Simon Harding. GECCO 2012 tutorial: cartesian genetic programming. In Gabriela Ochoa editor, GECCO 2012 Specialized techniques and applications tutorials, pages 1093-1116, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2012. ACM. details

  5. Juergen Leitner and Pramod Chandrashekhariah and Simon Harding and Mikhail Frank and Gabriele Spina and Alexander Forster and Jochen Triesch and Juergen Schmidhuber. Autonomous learning of robust visual object detection and identification on a humanoid. In IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL 2012), 2012. details

  6. Simon Harding and Vincent Graziano and Juergen Leitner and Juergen Schmidhuber. MT-CGP: mixed type cartesian genetic programming. In Terry Soule and Anne Auger and Jason Moore and David Pelta and Christine Solnon and Mike Preuss and Alan Dorin and Yew-Soon Ong and Christian Blum and Dario Landa Silva and Frank Neumann and Tina Yu and Aniko Ekart and Will Browne and Tim Kovacs and Man-Leung Wong and Clara Pizzuti and Jon Rowe and Tobias Friedrich and Giovanni Squillero and Nicolas Bredeche and Stephen L. Smith and Alison Motsinger-Reif and Jose Lozano and Martin Pelikan and Silja Meyer-Nienberg and Christian Igel and Greg Hornby and Rene Doursat and Steve Gustafson and Gustavo Olague and Shin Yoo and John Clark and Gabriela Ochoa and Gisele Pappa and Fernando Lobo and Daniel Tauritz and Jurgen Branke and Kalyanmoy Deb editors, GECCO '12: Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference, pages 751-758, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2012. ACM. details

  7. Pierre Collet and Simon Harding. Evolutionary algorithms and genetic programming on graphic processing units (GPU). In Gabriela Ochoa editor, GECCO 2012 Specialized techniques and applications tutorials, pages 1117-1138, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2012. ACM. details

  8. Julian F. Miller and Simon L. Harding. GECCO 2011 tutorial: cartesian genetic programming. In Darrell Whitley editor, GECCO 2011 Tutorials, pages 1261-1284, Dublin, Ireland, 2011. ACM. details

  9. Simon Harding and Julian F. Miller and Wolfgang Banzhaf. SMCGP2: finding algorithms that approximate numerical constants using quaternions and complex numbers. In Natalio Krasnogor and Pier Luca Lanzi and Andries Engelbrecht and David Pelta and Carlos Gershenson and Giovanni Squillero and Alex Freitas and Marylyn Ritchie and Mike Preuss and Christian Gagne and Yew Soon Ong and Guenther Raidl and Marcus Gallager and Jose Lozano and Carlos Coello-Coello and Dario Landa Silva and Nikolaus Hansen and Silja Meyer-Nieberg and Jim Smith and Gus Eiben and Ester Bernado-Mansilla and Will Browne and Lee Spector and Tina Yu and Jeff Clune and Greg Hornby and Man-Leung Wong and Pierre Collet and Steve Gustafson and Jean-Paul Watson and Moshe Sipper and Simon Poulding and Gabriela Ochoa and Marc Schoenauer and Carsten Witt and Anne Auger editors, GECCO '11: Proceedings of the 13th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 197-198, Dublin, Ireland, 2011. ACM. details

  10. Simon Harding and Wolfgang Banzhaf. Implementing cartesian genetic programming classifiers on graphics processing units using GPU.NET. In Simon Harding and W. B. Langdon and Man Leung Wong and Garnett Wilson and Tony Lewis editors, GECCO 2011 Computational intelligence on consumer games and graphics hardware (CIGPU), pages 463-470, Dublin, Ireland, 2011. ACM. details

  11. Simon Harding and Julian F. Miller and Wolfgang Banzhaf. SMCGP2: self modifying cartesian genetic programming in two dimensions. In Natalio Krasnogor and Pier Luca Lanzi and Andries Engelbrecht and David Pelta and Carlos Gershenson and Giovanni Squillero and Alex Freitas and Marylyn Ritchie and Mike Preuss and Christian Gagne and Yew Soon Ong and Guenther Raidl and Marcus Gallager and Jose Lozano and Carlos Coello-Coello and Dario Landa Silva and Nikolaus Hansen and Silja Meyer-Nieberg and Jim Smith and Gus Eiben and Ester Bernado-Mansilla and Will Browne and Lee Spector and Tina Yu and Jeff Clune and Greg Hornby and Man-Leung Wong and Pierre Collet and Steve Gustafson and Jean-Paul Watson and Moshe Sipper and Simon Poulding and Gabriela Ochoa and Marc Schoenauer and Carsten Witt and Anne Auger editors, GECCO '11: Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 1491-1498, Dublin, Ireland, 2011. ACM. details

  12. Julian F. Miller and Simon L. Harding. Cartesian genetic programming. In Una-May O'Reilly editor, GECCO 2010 Specialized techniques and applications tutorials, pages 2927-2948, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2010. ACM. details

  13. Simon Harding and Julian F. Miller and Wolfgang Banzhaf. Self modifying cartesian genetic programming: finding algorithms that calculate pi and e to arbitrary precision. In Juergen Branke and Martin Pelikan and Enrique Alba and Dirk V. Arnold and Josh Bongard and Anthony Brabazon and Juergen Branke and Martin V. Butz and Jeff Clune and Myra Cohen and Kalyanmoy Deb and Andries P Engelbrecht and Natalio Krasnogor and Julian F. Miller and Michael O'Neill and Kumara Sastry and Dirk Thierens and Jano van Hemert and Leonardo Vanneschi and Carsten Witt editors, GECCO '10: Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 579-586, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2010. ACM. details

  14. Simon L. Harding and Wolfgang Banzhaf. Distributed Genetic Programming on GPUs using CUDA. In Ignacio Hidalgo and Francisco Fernandez and Juan Lanchares editors, Workshop on Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms, pages 1-10, Raleigh, NC, USA, 2009. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. details

  15. Taras Kowaliw and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Nawwaf Kharma and Simon Harding. Evolving Novel Image Features Using Genetic Programming-Based Image Transforms. In Andy Tyrrell editor, 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 2502-2507, Trondheim, Norway, 2009. IEEE Press. details

  16. Simon Harding and Julian Miller and Wolfgang Banzhaf. Self Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming: Fibonacci, Squares, Regression and Summing. In Leonardo Vanneschi and Steven Gustafson and Alberto Moraglio and Ivanoe De Falco and Marc Ebner editors, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2009, volume 5481, pages 133-144, Tuebingen, 2009. Springer. details

  17. S. Harding and J. F. Miller and W. Banzhaf. Self Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming: Parity. In Andy Tyrrell editor, 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 285-292, Trondheim, Norway, 2009. IEEE Press. details

  18. Simon Harding and Julian Francis Miller and Wolfgang Banzhaf. Evolution, development and learning using self-modifying cartesian genetic programming. In Guenther Raidl and Franz Rothlauf and Giovanni Squillero and Rolf Drechsler and Thomas Stuetzle and Mauro Birattari and Clare Bates Congdon and Martin Middendorf and Christian Blum and Carlos Cotta and Peter Bosman and Joern Grahl and Joshua Knowles and David Corne and Hans-Georg Beyer and Ken Stanley and Julian F. Miller and Jano van Hemert and Tom Lenaerts and Marc Ebner and Jaume Bacardit and Michael O'Neill and Massimiliano Di Penta and Benjamin Doerr and Thomas Jansen and Riccardo Poli and Enrique Alba editors, GECCO '09: Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 699-706, Montreal, 2009. ACM. details

  19. Julian Francis Miller and Simon L. Harding. Cartesian genetic programming. In Marc Ebner and Mike Cattolico and Jano van Hemert and Steven Gustafson and Laurence D. Merkle and Frank W. Moore and Clare Bates Congdon and Christopher D. Clack and Frank W. Moore and William Rand and Sevan G. Ficici and Rick Riolo and Jaume Bacardit and Ester Bernado-Mansilla and Martin V. Butz and Stephen L. Smith and Stefano Cagnoni and Mark Hauschild and Martin Pelikan and Kumara Sastry editors, GECCO-2008 tutorials, pages 2701-2726, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2008. ACM. details

  20. Simon Harding. Evolution of Image Filters on Graphics Processor Units Using Cartesian Genetic Programming. In Jun Wang editor, 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 1921-1928, Hong Kong, 2008. IEEE Press. details

  21. Simon Harding and Wolfgang Banzhaf. Fast genetic programming on GPUs. In Marc Ebner and Michael O'Neill and Anik\'o Ek\'art and Leonardo Vanneschi and Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alc\'azar editors, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 4445, pages 90-101, Valencia, Spain, 2007. Springer. details

  22. Simon L. Harding and Julian F. Miller and Wolfgang Banzhaf. Self-modifying cartesian genetic programming. In Dirk Thierens and Hans-Georg Beyer and Josh Bongard and Jurgen Branke and John Andrew Clark and Dave Cliff and Clare Bates Congdon and Kalyanmoy Deb and Benjamin Doerr and Tim Kovacs and Sanjeev Kumar and Julian F. Miller and Jason Moore and Frank Neumann and Martin Pelikan and Riccardo Poli and Kumara Sastry and Kenneth Owen Stanley and Thomas Stutzle and Richard A Watson and Ingo Wegener editors, GECCO '07: Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, volume 1, pages 1021-1028, London, 2007. ACM Press. details

  23. S. L. Harding and W. Banzhaf. Fast Genetic Programming and Artificial Developmental Systems on GPUs. In 21st International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and Applications (HPCS'07), page 2, Canada, 2007. IEEE Computer Society. details

  24. Simon Harding and Julian F. Miller. Evolution In Materio : A Real-Time Robot Controller in Liquid Crystal. In Jason Lohn and David Gwaltney and Gregory Hornby and Ricardo Zebulum and Didier Keymeulen and Adrian Stoica editors, Proceedings of the 2005 NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware, pages 229-238, Washington, DC, USA, 2005. IEEE Press. details

  25. Simon Harding and Julian F. Miller. Evolution of Robot Controller Using Cartesian Genetic Programming. In Maarten Keijzer and Andrea Tettamanzi and Pierre Collet and Jano I. van Hemert and Marco Tomassini editors, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 3447, pages 62-73, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2005. Springer. details

Genetic Programming book chapters by Simon Harding

  1. Simon Harding and Jan Koutnik and Juergen Schmidhuber and Andrew Adamatzky. Discovering Boolean Gates in Slime Mould. In Susan Stepney and Andrew Adamatzky editors, Inspired by Nature: Essays Presented to Julian F. Miller on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, volume 28 of Emergence, Complexity and Computation, chapter 15, pages 323-337. Springer, 2017. details

  2. Andrew Adamatzky and Simon Harding and Victor Erokhin and Richard Mayne and Nina Gizzie and Frantisek Baluska and Stefano Mancuso and Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis. Computers from Plants We Never Made: Speculations. In Susan Stepney and Andrew Adamatzky editors, Inspired by Nature: Essays Presented to Julian F. Miller on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, volume 28 of Emergence, Complexity and Computation, chapter 17, pages 357-387. Springer, 2017. details

  3. Simon Harding and Julian F. Miller. Cartesian Genetic Programming on the GPU. In Shigeyoshi Tsutsui and Pierre Collet editors, Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computation on GPGPUs, chapter 12, pages 249-266. Springer, 2013. details

  4. Simon Harding and W. Banzhaf. Optimizing Shape Design with Distributed Parallel Genetic Programming on GPUs. In Francisco Fernandez de Vega and Jose Ignacio Hidalgo Perez and Juan Lanchares editors, Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms, volume 415 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, chapter 2, pages 51-75. Springer, 2012. details

  5. Simon Harding and Juergen Leitner and Juergen Schmidhuber. Cartesian Genetic Programming for Image Processing. In Rick Riolo and Ekaterina Vladislavleva and Marylyn D. Ritchie and Jason H. Moore editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice X, chapter 3, pages 31-44. Springer, Ann Arbor, USA, 2012. details

  6. Lukas Sekanina and Simon L. Harding and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Taras Kowaliw. Image Processing and CGP. In Julian F. Miller editor, Cartesian Genetic Programming, chapter 6, pages 181-215. Springer, 2011. details

  7. Simon L. Harding and Wolfgang Banzhaf. Hardware Acceleration for CGP: Graphics Processing Units. In Julian F. Miller editor, Cartesian Genetic Programming, chapter 8, pages 231-253. Springer, 2011. details

  8. Simon L. Harding and Julian F. Miller and Wolfgang Banzhaf. Self-Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming. In Julian F. Miller editor, Cartesian Genetic Programming, chapter 4, pages 101-124. Springer, 2011. details

  9. Simon Harding and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Julian F. Miller. A Survey of Self Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming. In Rick Riolo and Trent McConaghy and Ekaterina Vladislavleva editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VIII, volume 8 of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, chapter 6, pages 91-107. Springer, Ann Arbor, USA, 2010. details

  10. Wolfgang Banzhaf and Simon Harding and William B. Langdon and Garnett Wilson. Accelerating Genetic Programming through Graphics Processing Units. In Rick L. Riolo and Terence Soule and Bill Worzel editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VI, chapter 15, pages 229-249. Springer, Ann Arbor, 2008. details