title = "Application of genetic programming in wireless
communications networks space optimization",
title_croatian = "Primjena genetickoga programiranja u optimizaciji
sustava bezicnih komunikacijskih mreza u prostoru",
school = "Department of Applied Computing, University of
year = "2018",
address = "Zagreb, Croatia",
keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming,
Telecommunication and telecontrol, IOT",
URL = "https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:168:771158",
size = "153 str.",
abstract = "With the ever-growing presence of electronic devices
that permeate the world we live in, enabling them to
communicate with one another and share domain-specific
information each device can provide has become the
forefront of future technologies and solutions to
every-day problems, making our life richer and helping
the society to grow. The Internet of Things, as this
network of computers and other devices is commonly
referred to, is being constantly exposed to various
solutions that aim to make it more coherent and
simplify further advancement. One such solution to the
problem of standardized interconnectedness is presented
by the IEEE 802.15 working group, covering a large
range of projects concerning the development of
wireless personal networks and standards to which they
should adhere. An important role is given to the way
information is relayed through the network since in
many cases distant devices are unable to communicate
directly. For this purpose, various routing algorithms
are being used and making them better is an active
field of research. The Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector
routing algorithm is a common target of
experimentation, both because of its simplicity and
because it is the preferred choice by many
implementations of the IEEE 802.15 standards, such as
Zigbee. However, it has its shortcomings, one of which
is the fact that when generating routes it does not
take into account any quality of service measurements.
To address this, two modifications of the
aforementioned routing protocol are specified, in the
effort to enable the application of genetic programming
as a tool for optimizing targeted quality of service
measurements. In this thesis, a comprehensive study of
these modifications is presented, as well as the
distributed computer system that enables the
optimisation of two distinct targeted quality of
service specifications.",
abstract = "croatian: Uz sve vecu prisutnost elektronickih
uredaja, omogucavanje njihove medusobne komunikacije i
razmjenu specificnih informacija koje pojedini uredaj
moze dati, postalo je jedan od predvodnika ka buducim
tehnologijama i rjesenjima svakodnevnih problema,
obogacujuci nase zivote i pomazuci drustvu da raste.
Internet stvari, kao sto se cesto naziva ta mreza
racunala i drugih uredaja, konstantno biva izlozena
rjesenjima koje povecanju njene koherentnosti i
pojednostavljenju buducih unaprjedenja. Jedno rjesenje
problema standardizacije medusobne povezanosti
predstavljeno je od strane radne skupine IEEE 802.15
koje pokriva veliki skup projekata usmjerenih na razvoj
osobnih mreza kratkog dometa i standarda kojih bi se
trebale pridrzavati. Vaznu ulogu daje se nacinu na koji
se informacije prenose kroz mrezu, buduci da u mnogim
situacijama udaljeni uredaji ne mogu direktno
komunicirati. U tu svrhu koriste se razliciti protokoli
usmjeravanja i njihovo unaprjedenje aktivno je podrucje
istrazivanja. Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector protokol
usmjeravanja dobra je osnova za nova istrazivanja, kako
zbog svoje jednostavnosti, tako i zbog toga sto je cest
izbor u implementacijama IEEE 802.15 standarda, kao sto
je Zigbee. Medutim, dolazi s brojim nedostacima, kao
sto je nedostatak ovisnosti izgradenih puteva o
kvaliteti veze. U svrhu rjesavanja tog problema, u ovom
su radu predstavljene dvije modifikacije spomenutog
protokola usmjeravanja, u nastojanju da se omoguci
primjena genetickog programiranja kao alata za
optimizaciju ciljanih mjera kvalitete usluge. Takoder,
prikazana je sveobuhvatna studija tih modifikacija, kao
i distribuirani racunalni sustav koji omogucuje
optimizaciju dvije specificne kvalitete usluge.",
notes = "Also known as \cite{DBLP:phd/basesearch/Prcic18}
Mentor Damir Kalpic (mentor) Mentor Dina Simunic