Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Peter Marenbach
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GP coauthors/coeditors:
Kurt Dirk Bettenhausen,
S Gehlen,
H Tolle,
Stephan Freyer,
Hans Rettenmaier,
Ulrich Nieken,
Eva Brucherseifer,
Peter Bechtel,
J\"org Graefe,
Matthias Heinzel,
Bernd Cuno,
M Brown,
Hartmut Pohlheim,
Mark J Willis,
Hugo Hiden,
Ben McKay,
Gary A Montague,
Genetic Programming Articles by Peter Marenbach
Peter Marenbach.
Using Prior Knowledge and Obtaining Process Insight in Data Based Modelling of Bioprocesses.
System Analysis Modelling Simulation, 31(1-2):39-59, 1998.
Special issue on automatic model generation.
Peter Marenbach and Kurt D. Bettenhausen and Stephan Freyer and Ulrich Nieken and Hans Rettenmaier.
Data-driven Structured Modelling of a Biotechnological Fed-batch Fermentation by Means of Genetic Programming.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 211(5):325-332, 1997.
Peter Marenbach and Kurt Dirk Bettenhausen and Bernd Cuno.
Selbstorganisierende Generierung strukturierter Prozemodelle.
at -- Automatisierungstechnik, 43(6):277-288, 1995.
Genetic Programming PhD doctoral thesis Peter Marenbach
Peter Marenbach.
Rechnergest\"utzte Methoden zur interaktiven Modellierung biotechnologischer Prozesse. Dissertation, Berichte aus der Automatisierungstechnik ,
TU Darmstadt, Aachen, Germany, 1999.
Genetic Programming conference papers by Peter Marenbach
Eva Brucherseifer and Peter Bechtel and Stephan Freyer and Peter Marenbach.
An Indirect Block-Oriented Representation for Genetic Programming. In
Julian F. Miller and Marco Tomassini and Pier Luca Lanzi and Conor Ryan and Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi and William B. Langdon editors,
Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'2001, volume 2038, pages 268-279, Lake Como, Italy, 2001. Springer-Verlag.
Stephan Freyer and J\"org Graefe and Matthias Heinzel and Peter Marenbach.
Evolutionary Generation and Refinement of Mathematical Process Models. In
Hans-J\"urgen Zimmermann editor,
Eufit '98, 6th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, ELITE - European Laboratory for Intelligent TechniquesEngineering, volume III, pages 1471-1475, Aachen, Germany, 1998.
Mark Willis and Hugo Hiden and Peter Marenbach and Ben McKay and Gary A. Montague.
Genetic Programming: An Introduction and Survey of Applications. In
Ali Zalzala editor,
Second International Conference on Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Innovations and Applications, GALESIA, pages 314-319, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 1997. Institution of Electrical Engineers.
P. Marenbach and M. Brown.
Evolutionary versus inductive construction of neurofuzzy systems for bioprocess modelling. In
Ali Zalzala editor,
Second International Conference on Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Innovations and Applications, GALESIA, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 1997. Institution of Electrical Engineers.
Peter Marenbach and Kurt D. Bettenhausen and Stephan Freyer.
Signal Path Oriented Approach for Generation of Dynamic Process Models. In
John R. Koza and David E. Goldberg and David B. Fogel and Rick L. Riolo editors,
Genetic Programming 1996: Proceedings of the First Annual Conference, pages 327-332, Stanford University, CA, USA, 1996. MIT Press.
K. D. Bettenhausen and P. Marenbach and Stephan Freyer and Hans Rettenmaier and Ulrich Nieken.
Self-organizing Structured modeling of a Biotechnological Fed-batch fermentation by Means of Genetic Programming. In
A. M. S. Zalzala editor,
First International Conference on Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Innovations and Applications, GALESIA, volume 414, pages 481-486, Sheffield, UK, 1995. IEE.
Kurt Dirk Bettenhausen and Peter Marenbach.
Self-organizing modeling of biotechnological batch and fed-batch fermentations. In
F. Breitenecker and I. Husinsky editors,
EUROSIM'95, Vienna, Austria, 1995. Elsevier.
K. D. Bettenhausen and S. Gehlen and P. Marenbach and H. Tolle.
BioX++ -- New results and conceptions concerning the intelligent control of biotechnological processes. In
A. Munack and K. Sch\"ugerl editors,
6th International Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology, pages 324-327, 1995. Elsevier Science.
Genetic Programming book chapters by Peter Marenbach
Peter Marenbach and Stephan Freyer.
Generierung von Modellen biotechnologischer Prozesse. In
S. Hafner editor,
Industrielle Anwendung Evolution\"arer Algorithmen, pages 91-102. R.\ Oldenbourg Verlag, 1998.
Hartmut Pohlheim and Peter Marenbach.
Generation of structured process models using genetic algorithms. In
Terence C. Fogarty editor,
Evolutionary Computing, number 1143 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 102-109. Springer-Verlag, University of Sussex, UK, 1996.
Genetic Programming technical reports by Peter Marenbach
Peter Marenbach.
Status und Perspektiven der strukturierten Modellbildung mit Hilfe Genetischer Algorithmen. Technical report,
FG Regelsystemtheorie \& Robotik, TH Darmstadt, Landgraf-Georg-Str.~4, D-64283 Darmstadt, Germany, 1995.