Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Li-Shan Kang

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Hong-Qing Cao, Zbigniew Michalewicz, Yu-Ping Chen, Jingxian Yu, Yongyan Chen, Tao Guo, Hugo de Garis, Hanxi Yang, Xinping Ai, R I (Bob) McKay, Pei He, Ming Fu, Colin G Johnson, Shi Ying, Zhou Kang, Yan Li, Chuan-Sheng Wu, Li Huang, Xue-song Yan, Wei Wei, Rui Liu, San-you Zeng,

Genetic Programming Articles by Li-Shan Kang

  1. Pei He and Lishan Kang and Colin G. Johnson and Shi Ying. Hoare logic-based genetic programming. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 54(3):623-637, 2011. details

  2. Hongqing Cao and Lishan Kang and Jingxian Yu. Parallel Implementations of Modeling Dynamical Systems by Using System of Ordinary Differential Equations. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 8(IB):229-233, 2003. details

  3. Hongqing Cao and Jingxian Yu and Lishan Kang and R I Bob McKay. An Experimental Study of Some Control Parameters in Parallel Genetic Programming. Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computation, 11(4):377-393, 2003. details

  4. Hongqing Cao and Lishan Kang and Yuping Chen and Tao Guo. The Dynamic Evolutionary Modeling of HODEs for Time Series Prediction. Computers \& Mathematics with Applications, 46(8-9):1397-1411, 2003. details

  5. Hongqing Cao and Jingxian Yu and Lishan Kang and Hanxi Yang and Xinping Ai. Modeling and prediction for discharge lifetime of battery systems using hybrid evolutionary algorithms. Computers \& Chemistry, 25(3):251-259, 2001. details

  6. Hongqing Cao and Lishan Kang and Yuping Chen and Jingxian Yu. Evolutionary Modeling of Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations with Genetic Programming. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 1(4):309-337, 2000. details

  7. Hong-Qing Cao and Li-Shan Kang and Tao Guo and Yu-Ping Chen and Hugo de Garis. A two-level hybrid evolutionary algorithm for modeling one-dimensional dynamic systems by higher-order ODE models. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics -- Part B: Cybernetics, 40(2):351-357, 2000. details

  8. Hongqing Cao and Jingxian Yu and Lishan Kang and Yuping Chen and Yongyan Chen. The Kinetic Evolutionary Modeling of Complex Systems of Chemical Reactions. Computers \& Chemistry, 23(2):143-152, 1999. details

  9. Jingxian Yu and Hongqing Cao and Yongyan Chen and Lishan Kang and Hanxi Yang. A New Approach to Estimation of the Electrocrystallization Parameters. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 474(1):69-73, 1999. details

  10. Hongqing Cao and Lishan Kang and Zbigniew Michalewicz and Yuping Chen. A Hybrid Evolutionary Modeling Algorithm for System of Ordinary Differential Equations. Neural, Parallel \& Scientific Computations, 6(2):171-188, 1998. details

Genetic Programming conference papers by Li-Shan Kang

  1. Pei He and Lishan Kang and Ming Fu. Formality Based Genetic Programming. In Jun Wang editor, 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 4080-4087, Hong Kong, 2008. IEEE Press. details

  2. Xue-song Yan and Wei Wei and Rui Liu and San-you Zeng and Lishan Kang. Designing Electronic Circuits by Means of Gene Expression Programming. In Adrian Stoica and Tughrul Arslan and Martin Suess and Senay Yal\c cin and Didier Keymeulen and Tetsuya Higuchi and Ricardo Salem Zebulum and Nizamettin Aydin editors, First NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS 2006),, pages 194-199, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006. IEEE Computer Society. details

  3. Chuan-Sheng Wu and Li Huang and Li-Shan Kang. The automatic modeling of complex functions based on gene expression programming. In Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, volume 5, pages 2870-2873, 2005. IEEE. details

  4. Hongqing Cao and Jingxian Yu and Lishan Kang. An evolutionary approach for modeling the equivalent circuit for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In Ruhul Sarker and Robert Reynolds and Hussein Abbass and Kay Chen Tan and Bob McKay and Daryl Essam and Tom Gedeon editors, Proceedings of the 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC2003, pages 1819-1825, Canberra, 2003. IEEE Press. details

  5. Zhou Kang and Yan Li and Hugo de Garis and Li-Shan Kang. A Multi-Level And Multi-Scale Evolutionary Modeling System For Scientific Data. In Proceedings of the 2002 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN'02, pages 737-742, Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2002. IEEE Press. details

  6. Hongqing Cao and Lishan Kang and Yuping Chen. Evolutionary Modeling of Ordinary Differential Equations for Dynamic Systems. In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Jason Daida and Agoston E. Eiben and Max H. Garzon and Vasant Honavar and Mark Jakiela and Robert E. Smith editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, volume 2, pages 959-965, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1999. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  7. Hongqing Cao and Lishan Kang and Zbigniew Michalewicz and Yuping Chen. A Two-level Evolutionary Algorithm for Modeling System of Ordinary Differential Equations. In John R. Koza and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Kumar Chellapilla and Kalyanmoy Deb and Marco Dorigo and David B. Fogel and Max H. Garzon and David E. Goldberg and Hitoshi Iba and Rick Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, pages 17-22, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 1998. Morgan Kaufmann. details