Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Kyrre Harald Glette

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Marcus Furuholmen, Mats Erling Hovin, Jim Torresen, Jim Torressen, Thiemo Gruber, Paul Kaufmann, Bernhard Sick, Marco Platzner, Christopher Assad, Michael T Wolf, Tobias Knieper, Karine da Silva Miras de Araujo, Evert Haasdijk, Gusz Eiben, Zdenek Vasicek, Michal Bidlo, Lukas Sekanina,

Genetic Programming Articles by Kyrre Harald Glette

Genetic Programming conference papers by Kyrre Harald Glette

  1. Karine Miras and Evert Haasdijk and Kyrre Glette and A. E. Eiben. Search Space Analysis of Evolvable Robot Morphologies. In Kyrre Glette and Julien Hubert editors, 21st International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, EvoROBOT 2018, volume 10784, pages 703-718, Parma, Italy, 2018. Springer. details

  2. Kyrre Glette and Paul Kaufmann. Lookup Table Partial Reconfiguration for an Evolvable Hardware Classifier System. In Carlos A. Coello Coello editor, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 1706-1713, Beijing, China, 2014. details

  3. Kyrre Glette and Paul Kaufmann and Christopher Assad and Michael T. Wolf. Investigating Evolvable Hardware Classification for the BioSleeve Electromyographic Interface. In International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES 2013), pages 73-80, 2013. IEEE. details

  4. Zdenek Vasicek and Michal Bidlo and Lukas Sekanina and Kyrre Glette. Evolutionary design of efficient and robust switching image filters. In 2011 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS), pages 192-199, San Diego, USA, 2011. details

  5. Tobias Knieper and Paul Kaufmann and Kyrre Glette and Marco Platzner and Jim Torresen. Coping with Resource Fluctuations: The Run-time Reconfigurable Functional Unit Row Classifier Architecture. In G. Tempesti and A. M. Tyrrell and J. F. Miller editors, Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware: 9th International Conference, ICES 2010, volume 6274, pages 250-261, York, UK, 2010. Springer. details

  6. Marcus Furuholmen and Kyrre Glette and Mats Hovin and Jim Torresen. A Coevolutionary, Hyper Heuristic approach to the optimization of Three-dimensional Process Plant Layouts -A comparative study. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2010), Barcelona, Spain, 2010. IEEE Press. details

  7. Marcus Furuholmen and Kyrre Glette and Mats Hovin and Jim Torressen. An Indirect Approach to the Three-dimensional Multi-pipe Routing Problem. In Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alcazar and Aniko Ekart and Sara Silva and Stephen Dignum and A. Sima Uyar editors, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2010, volume 6021, pages 86-97, Istanbul, 2010. Springer. details

  8. Zdenek Vasicek and Michal Bidlo and Lukas Sekanina and Jim Torresen and Kyrre Glette and Marcus Furuholmen. Evolution of Impulse Bursts Noise Filters. In NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, AHS 2009, pages 27-34, 2009. details

  9. Marcus Furuholmen and Kyrre Glette and Mats Hovin and Jim Torresen. Coevolving Heuristics for The Distributor's Pallet Packing Problem. In Andy Tyrrell editor, 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 2810-2817, Trondheim, Norway, 2009. IEEE Press. details

  10. Marcus Furuholmen and Kyrre Harald Glette and Mats Erling Hovin and Jim Torresen. Scalability, generalization and coevolution -- experimental comparisons applied to automated facility layout planning. In Guenther Raidl and Franz Rothlauf and Giovanni Squillero and Rolf Drechsler and Thomas Stuetzle and Mauro Birattari and Clare Bates Congdon and Martin Middendorf and Christian Blum and Carlos Cotta and Peter Bosman and Joern Grahl and Joshua Knowles and David Corne and Hans-Georg Beyer and Ken Stanley and Julian F. Miller and Jano van Hemert and Tom Lenaerts and Marc Ebner and Jaume Bacardit and Michael O'Neill and Massimiliano Di Penta and Benjamin Doerr and Thomas Jansen and Riccardo Poli and Enrique Alba editors, GECCO '09: Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 691-698, Montreal, 2009. ACM. details

  11. Kyrre Glette and Jim Torresen and Paul Kaufmann and Marco Platzner. A Comparison of Evolvable Hardware Architectures for Classification Tasks. In Gregory S. Hornby and Lukas Sekanina and Pauline C. Haddow editors, 8th International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware: ICES 2008, volume 5216, pages 22-33, Prague, Czech Republic, 2008. Springer. details

  12. Kyrre Glette and Thiemo Gruber and Paul Kaufmann and Jim Torresen and Bernhard Sick and Marco Platzner. Comparing Evolvable Hardware to Conventional Classifiers for Electromyographic Prosthetic Hand Control. In 2008 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, pages 32-39, 2008. IEEE. details

  13. Marcus Furuholmen and Kyrre Glette and Jim Torresen and Mats Hovin. Indirect Online Evolution - A Conceptual Framework for Adaptation in Industrial Robotic Systems. In Gregory Hornby and Lukas Sekanina and Pauline C. Haddow editors, 8th International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, ICES 2008, volume 5216, pages 165-176, Prague, Czech Republic, 2008. Springer. details

  14. Marcus Furuholmen and Mats Hovin and Jim Torresen and Kyrre Glette. Continuous Adaptation in Robotic Systems by Indirect Online Evolution. In ECSIS Symposium on Learning and Adaptive Behaviors for Robotic Systems, LAB-RS 2008, pages 71-76, Edinburgh, 2008. IEEE. details