abstract = "This paper discusses about using genetic algorithm and
genetic programming for intelligent path planning of
autonomous vehicles. The concept imitates the natural
evolution of living organisms, where in the struggle
for natural resources the successful individuals
gradually become more and more dominant, and adaptable
to the environment in which they live, whereas the less
successful ones are present in the next generations
rarely. In the proposed concept the travelling
strategies leading the robot to the goal location
undergo adaptation. During the simulated evolution more
and more successful organisms (paths) emerge on the
basis of given environment. For the paper to be
self-contained the problem is stated in the beginning
of the section 2. In Section 3 the idea of the proposed
concept is presented. Section 4 and Section 5 show
functioning of the proposed concept. The examples of
path planning with discussion of the results obtained
are also given. Section 6 summarizes the main
contributions of the performed research and also gives
guidelines for further researches.",