abstract = "Grammatical Evolution is an extension of Genetic
Programming, in that it is an algorithm for evolving
complete programs in an arbitrary language. a Backus
Naur Form grammar the advantages of typing are achieved
as well as a separation of genotype and phenotype.
introduces a meta-grammar into Grammatical Evolution
allowing the grammar to dynamically define functions,
self adaptively at the individual level without the
need for special purpose operators or constraints. The
user need not determine the architecture of the
dynamically defined functions. As the search proceeds
through genotype/phenotype space the number and use of
the functions can vary. The ability of the grammar to
dynamically define such functions allows regularities
in the problem space to be exploited even where such
regularities were not apparent when the problem was set
notes = "WCCI 2006 - A joint meeting of the IEEE, the EPS, and
the IEE.
minesweeper Also known as \cite{1688638}. IEEE Xplore
gives pages 2638--2645.",