Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Eleanor G Rieffel

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Forrest Bennett, Brad Dolin, Jeremy Kubica,

Genetic Programming conference papers by Eleanor G Rieffel

  1. Jeremy Kubica and Eleanor Rieffel. Collaborating With A Genetic Programming System To Generate Modular Robotic Code. In W. B. Langdon and E. Cant\'u-Paz and K. Mathias and R. Roy and D. Davis and R. Poli and K. Balakrishnan and V. Honavar and G. Rudolph and J. Wegener and L. Bull and M. A. Potter and A. C. Schultz and J. F. Miller and E. Burke and N. Jonoska editors, GECCO 2002: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 804-811, New York, 2002. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. details

  2. Jeremy Kubica and Eleanor Rieffel. Creating a Smarter Membrane: Automatic Code Generation for Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robots. In ICRA'02 Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, volume 1, pages 793-800, Washington, DC, 2002. details

  3. Brad Dolin and Forrest H Bennett III and Eleanor G. Rieffel. Co-evolving an effective fitness sample: experiments in symbolic regression and distributed robot control. In Proceedings of the 2002 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), pages 553-559, Madrid, Spain, 2002. ACM. details

  4. Brad Dolin and Forrest H Bennett III and Eleanor G. Rieffel. Methods for evolving robust distributed robot control software: coevolutionary and single population techniques. In Didier Keymeulen and Adrian Stoica and Jason Lohn and Ricardo S. Zebulum editors, The Third NASA/DoD workshop on Evolvable Hardware, pages 21-29, Long Beach, California, 2001. IEEE Computer Society. details

  5. Forrest H Bennett III and Brad Dolin and Eleanor G. Rieffel. Programmable Smart Membranes: Using Genetic Programming to Evolve Scalable Distributed Controllers for a Novel Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robotic Application. In Julian F. Miller and Marco Tomassini and Pier Luca Lanzi and Conor Ryan and Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi and William B. Langdon editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'2001, volume 2038, pages 234-245, Lake Como, Italy, 2001. Springer-Verlag. details

  6. Forrest H Bennett III and Eleanor G. Rieffel. Design of Decentralized Controllers for Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robots Using Genetic Programming. In Proceedings of the Second NASA / DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, pages 43-52, Palo Alto, California, 2000. IEEE Computer Society. details

  7. Forrest H Bennett III and Eleanor G. Rieffel. Using Genetic Programming to Design Decentralized Controllers for Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robots. In Darrell Whitley editor, Late Breaking Papers at the 2000 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 35-42, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2000. details