abstract = "With the upcoming era of large-scale, complex
cyber-physical systems, also the demand for
decentralized and self-organising algorithms for
coordination rises. Often such algorithms rely on
emergent behavior; local observations and decisions
aggregate to some global behavior without any apparent,
explicitly programmed rule. Systematically designing
these algorithms targeted for a new orchestration or
optimisation task is, at best, tedious and error prone.
Suitable and widely applicable design patterns are
scarce so far. We opt for a machine learning based
approach that learns the necessary mechanisms for
targeted emergent behavior automatically. To achieve
this,we use Cartesian genetic programming. As an
example that demonstrates the general applicability of
this idea, we trained a swarm-based optimization
heuristics and present first results showing that the
learned swarm behavior is significantly better than
just random search. We also discuss the encountered
pitfalls and remaining challenges on the research
abstract = "Cyber-physical systems demand self-organizing
algorithms that rely on emergent behaviour; local
observations and decision aggregate to global behavior
without explicitly programmed rules. Designing these
algorithms is error prone. Widely applicable design
patterns are scarce. We opt for a machine learning
approach that learns mechanisms for targeted emergent
behavior automatically. We use Cartesian genetic
programming. As an example, that demonstrates the
general applicability of this idea, we trained a swarm
based heuristics and present first results showing that
the learned swarm behavior is significantly better than
just random search. We also discuss the encountered
pitfalls and remaining challenges on the research
notes = "Also {"}Annals of Computer Science and Information
Systems{"}, ACSIS, Volume 26, 55-60 (2021)