The Genetic Programming Bibliography GP bib logo GP bib logo GP4 reading genetic programming and data structures

The bibliography is part of the Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
It is maintained and managed by W.B.Langdon

W. B. Langdon. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines at 20. Genet Program Evolvable Mach 21, 205-217 (2020).

Bibtex file
gp-bibliography.bib (Compressed) 15000 GP references.

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monkey word length Author format (split by first author) GP bib coauthors co authorship graphs (description)

Search Interfaces
The GP bibliography is one of the many online computer science bibliographies
There are several on line search tools for these bibliographies. For example:
o WWW form based search
o Google e.g. Earthquake
o The coauthor graphs can also be used for searching by author name.
o You can find all entries for an author using a URL like this one: Naturaly you must replace WilliamBLangdon.html by the author's name.

Other Resources
o Bibliographies of evolutionary computation conferences.

o Hints on using bibliographies with PC based word processing packages
o Links to other information on bibliographies.
o Subdirectory containing some tools and templates for maintaining bibliographies.
o Links to other bibliographies.
o Home pages of some GP researchers
o misc

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